Excelitas Technologies eliminates thousands of spreadsheets with Anaplan


Excelitas Technologies是针对各种行业的光子创新提供商,通过本土Salesforce应用程序和数千个电子表格管理其复杂的销售预测,导致亚博专业购彩平台亚搏彩票app下载软件安装缓慢,僵化的流程无法跟上不断变化的市场。借助Anaplan,销售预测更加敏捷和富有成效,销售融资团队可以随着业务状况的变化而迅速调整计划。


Amit Shah, 首席信息官


Excelitas managed sales forecasting using a combination of an in-house designed Salesforce application and thousands of disparate spreadsheets. Silos across Excel® and other enterprise applications couldn’t deliver the flexibility, speed, or agility the sales team needed to respond to fluctuating market conditions. To keep pace with the continuous flow of innovation, the organization began to look for a scalable platform that could adapt to its business model.




Before Anaplan, Excelitas’ sales forecasting process was overly time-consuming, as the sales team had to email large spreadsheet files back and forth to make updates to models. Now, the process is far more agile and productive. In a technology industry that’s constantly changing, implementing the Anaplan platform has helped Excelitas evolve with its customers, create value fast, and drive intelligent decision-making. And in an era when predictability is huge, Excelitas can now effectively compare forecasts to reality and improve upon the output.


The Excelitas executive team considered three technology vendors but ultimately chose to implement Anaplan because of its scalability, flexibility, and speedy time-to-value. With Anaplan, the organization can build applications that fit its business model, rather than have to fit its business model into the mold of rigid out-of-the-box technology.