• 2022年3月21日
  • 5分钟阅读

Anaplan Forward: Our commitment to ESG

Vikas Mehta


A diverse group of coworkers engaged in a casual meeting in an open floor plan


At Anaplan, connection is at the center of everything we do. It powers our platform, underpins our values, enables our purpose, and transforms our customers’ businesses. It also underscores that doing good for business must include doing good for our communities. Decisions we make as an organization, as employees, and as leaders have a ripple effect on the world around us. We take that responsibility very seriously.

作为一家以价值为主导的公司,我相信我们的成功不仅取决于我们的业务绩效,还取决于我们的公司角色。亚搏彩票手机版免费下载这是关于我们如何优先考虑客户,员工,投资者,合作伙伴和社区的成功。亚搏彩票手机版免费下载它包括竭尽所能对人,社会和地球产生积极影响。这就是为什么我很高兴分享Anaplan’s environmental, social, and governance (ESG) program


Equity and inclusion

We know that the success of our business is predicated on the success of our employees, and that diverse and inclusive teams are more innovative and perform better. Our workforce metrics and programs demonstrate how we invest in our people to support their personal and professional goals and create a culture where they feel they belong and can contribute their best selves.

In 2021, we hired our first Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer,Sherika Ekpo。Sherika与我们的文化团队和领导人合作,制定新的战略和政策,以支持一种公平而包容的文化,反映了我们工作,生活和服务的各种全球社区。现在,我们有七个员工资源组,去年,我们为员工提供了更大的灵活性,扩大了我们的亲和力合作伙伴关系,并推出了新的职业发展机会。我对我们的进步感到兴奋,但我知道还有更多工作要做。当人们认为自己属于自己时,他们与他们的工作以及与他们合作的人建立了牢固的联系,因此我们正在进行投资以更好地定义,培养和衡量Anaplan及其他地区的衡量标准。

Community and sustainability

Supporting our communities is fundamental to our growth, and I’m especially proud of our commitment to create equitable access to data skills training and job opportunities. We partner with相关一个培训和指导来自历史上代表性不足的社区的人,以成为认证的Anaplan模型建设者。我们称该程序Anaplan for All因为那是真的。它通过在数据领域提供高需求,高薪工作的访问权限,同时为我们的客户和合作伙伴提供了满足其不断增长的Anaplan人才的交叉方式,从而有助于为女性,有色人种和许多其他代表性的社区提供竞争环境的竞争环境需要。这个非常有效的任务驱动的计划为我们的社区提供了机会,同时支持我们平台的增长。我们第一批队列中有70%以上的毕业生在Anaplan生态系统中获得了工作。我们欢迎100多名毕业生进入Anaplan生态系统,并招募了最近推出的近400名研究员。


Trust and integrity


客户使用推动业务前进的数据信任我们,我们认真对待这一责任。我们的平台受到敏捷的保护,具有一流的安全性,数据隐私功能和内置的合规性。我们的客户可以从任何设备中安全地访问我们的平台,并自信地将专有数据纳入计划和预测,以便他们的业务可以实时响应不断变化的业务动态。我们受到独立组织的审核,并且符合全球和区域要求。有关我们的安全性和数据隐私惯例和认证的更多详细信息可以通过访问Anaplan trust center


过去的两年里改变了b意味着什么e a successful company and an employer of choice. Just as the future of work has blurred the lines between personal and professional, modern business is playing a larger, more proactive role in shaping society. I believe that ESG impact will be embedded into every plan, become a core KPI for measuring success, and be a driving factor in how companies assess opportunities and risks in various scenarios. We are in the early stages of our ESG journey, and I look forward to sharing more about our progress as we work to create a more equitable, sustainable, and prosperous future for all.