

数据隐私对Anaplan,Inc。及其管辖区(统称为“ Anaplan”)的相关实体很重要。本隐私政策(“策略”)概述了Anaplan收集的个人信息及其在访问期间如何受到保护的概述anaplan.com或其他链接到此策略的Anaplan网站(统称“网站”)。网站的主要目的是成为帮助您管理和改善业务绩效的信息资源和业务工具。我们希望您在访问我们的网站时感到安全,并致力于保持您的隐私。


  • Indirectly (for example, through the Websites’ technology)
  • 直接(例如,当您在网站的各个页面上提供信息时)

我们间接收集的信息的一个示例是通过我们的Internet访问日志。与大多数网站一样,我们会自动收集某些信息。此信息可能包括Internet协议(IP)地址,浏览器类型,Internet服务提供商(ISP),参考 /退出页面,我们网站上查看的文件(例如,HTML页面,图形等),操作系统,日期 /时间印章和/或ClickStream数据以分析聚合中的趋势并管理该站点。


我们与第三方合作,要么在我们的网站上展示广告,要么在其他网站上管理广告。我们的第三方合作伙伴可以使用诸如Cookie之类的技术来收集有关您在本网站和其他网站上的活动的信息,以根据您的浏览活动和兴趣为您提供广告。如果您希望不使用此信息以服务于基于兴趣的广告,则可以通过单击我们的方式了解有关如何选择退出的更多信息偏好中心(or if located in the European Union clickhere)。请注意,这不会选择您被所有广告提供服务。您将继续收到通用广告。




作为Anaplan服务的一部分,客户可以将数据加载到Anaplan的服务器中。除非Anaplan和客户之间的合同协议中提供,否则Anaplan不会共享或分发任何此类客户数据,或者法律要求。请参考AnaplanPlatform Privacy Policy更多细节。

How we use personal information



  • 作为一个全球组织,我们收集的数据可能会在整个Anaplan的全球组织中进行国际转移。我们不会出售个人信息,并且只能按照本政策中的概述分享。我们可能会与服务提供商分享您的信息,例如我们的托管,电子邮件服务,分析,客户服务,活动或广告系列管理提供商。这些公司被授权仅根据需要使用您的个人信息来为我们或代表我们提供这些服务。在您提交任何信息之前,我们将通知您为什么要索要特定信息,这取决于您是否要提供信息。
  • 我们还可以与其他提供与我们的产品或服务或主持人或赞助商相关活动的公司合作。如果您在其展位或演示文稿中向活动赞助商提供个人信息,我们可能会与这些业务合作伙伴分享您的信息,如果您对此类产品,服务或活动表示兴趣,则应查看其隐私政策以了解他们如何使用个人信息。
  • 我们还可以根据法律要求披露您的个人信息,例如遵守传票或类似的法律程序,以及当我们真诚地相信披露是保护我们的权利,保护您的安全或他人安全的必要条件时,请调查欺诈,或在您同意的情况下对政府请求或任何第三方做出回应。我们将无权通知您在适用的情况下遵守当地法律。
  • If Anaplan is involved in a merger, acquisition, or sale of all or a portion of its assets, you will be notified via email and/or a prominent notice on our Websites of any change in ownership or uses of your personal information, as well as any choices you may have regarding your personal information.
  • Anaplan不会以与上述内容无关的方式使用或共享您的个人信息,而无需先通知您并为您提供选择是否以不同方式使用您的个人信息。




You are entitled to know whether we hold information about you and, if we do, to have access to that information and require it to be corrected if it is inaccurate. If your personal information changes, or if you no longer desire our service, you may correct, update, amend, delete/remove, or deactivate it by contacting us at[email protected]。For your protection, we may only implement requests with respect to the personal information associated with the particular email address that you use to send us your request, and we may need to verify your identity before implementing your request. We will respond to your request to access within 30 business days.



我们采取适当的步骤来维护网站上的数据安全性,并遵循普遍接受的标准,以保护在传输期间和收到传输期间提交给我们的个人信息。但是,没有通过Internet或电子存储方法的传输方法100%安全。因此,我们不能保证其绝对安全。您应该了解,Internet的开放性质使数据可能无需安全措施即可跨越网络,并且可以被其他人访问和使用的人访问和使用。如果您对安全性有任何疑问或任何理由相信您与我们的互动不再安全(例如,如果您觉得帐户的安全性已被妥协),请通过[email protected]



While Anaplan also adheres to the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield and the Swiss-US Privacy Shield Frameworks, Anaplan no longer relies on the Privacy Shield Frameworks as a legal basis for transfers of personal data in light of invalidation by the Court of Justice of the European Union and the Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner (FDPIC) of Switzerland. For more information, visit the美国商务部的隐私盾牌清单and




Our Websites include links to other third-party sites for your convenience and information whose privacy practices may differ from those of Anaplan. If you access those links you will leave the Anaplan Websites. If you submit personal information to any of those third party sites, your information is governed by their privacy policy. Anaplan does not endorse or make any representations about third party websites. We encourage you to carefully read the privacy policy of any web site you visit.


除其他认可外,我们在网站上显示了满意客户的个人推荐。在您的同意下,我们可能会发布您的推荐以及您的名字。如果您想更新或删除您的推荐书,请与我们联系[email protected]



Social Media Widgets

Our web site includes social media features, such as the Facebook Like button and widgets, such as the ShareThis button or interactive mini-programs that run on our site. These features may collect your IP address, which page you are visiting on our site, and may set a cookie to enable the feature to function properly. Social media features and widgets are either hosted by a third party or hosted directly on our Websites. Your interactions with these features are governed by the privacy policy of the company providing the feature.


In accordance with applicable law, personal information covered by this Privacy Policy may be transferred to, and processed in, the United States or any other country in which Anaplan or its affiliates, subsidiaries or service providers maintain facilities, even if the level of data privacy required in that country is less than required by the European Union or other jurisdictions. By submitting your personal information to Anaplan, you consent to such transfers and to the worldwide processing of your personal information.


Anaplan的一些产品和服务可能会睡觉ertised by third parties. In the U.S. and other jurisdictions with similar laws, we will only share your personal information if you have not expressed your preference by opting out of having your information shared. In countries that are members of the European Union and all other jurisdictions with similar laws, we will only share your personal information if you have agreed to allow us to share your information with third parties. You have the opportunity to choose to not receive such marketing materials from third parties by updating your subscription preferences.



We are interested in maintaining your privacy and creating a valuable resource for you to use.

If you have any questions now or during your visit please contact us.

Anaplan, Inc.
Fax: 415-202-6481
联系我们[email protected]
