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Anaplandoes not accept unauthorized idea submissions outside of established business relationships. To protect the interests of our current clients and ourselves, we must treat the issue of such submissions with great care. Importantly, without a clear business relationship, Anaplan cannot and does not treat any such submissions in confidence. Accordingly, please do not communicate unauthorized idea submissions to Anaplan through this website. Any ideas disclosed to Anaplan outside a pre-existing and documented confidential business relationship are not confidential and Anaplan may therefore develop, use and freely disclose or publish similar ideas without compensating you or accounting to you. Anaplan will make every reasonable effort to return or destroy any unauthorized idea submissions without detailed review of them. However, if a review is necessary in Anaplan’s sole discretion, it will be with the understanding that Anaplan assumes no obligation to protect the confidentiality of your idea or compensate you for its disclosure or use. By submitting an idea or other detailed submission to Anaplan through this website, you agree to be bound by the terms of this stated policy.