Certified Master Anaplanner


Anaplan苏pports creation of a multi level BOM. There are 2 approaches you can take

1. Get a Hierarchy in your input file and use that to build a nested composite list on Anaplan showing the parent-child relationship. These lists will be numbered list as you can have single component as both parent and child and also child in multiple parents.

Pros - this approach makes roll-up of BOM level information very easy as Anaplan does it for you. Traceability all the way down is simple and easy.

Cons - changing the BOM is a challenge as you need to rebuilt the whole hierarchy all over again. And then having the old hierarchy intact for prior months may be difficult to do.

Further, we find that SAP [mostly used ERP in Manufacturing setup] doesn't throw out a multi-level BOM. It just give a single level BOM with Level, Alt Level, Parent, Base Qty, Base UOM, Component, Comp Base Qty, Comp Base UOM, Quantity etc.

2.Build a single level BOM in Anaplan and use action buttons to roll-up costs from the lowest level to the top level

Pros - in this method, change is easy to capture. One parent -child relationship change can be easily propogated throughout the model with minimal effort on the modelling side.

Cons - loose traceability from top level to bottom level. At any point, you only get that level Material Costs and Semi-Finsihed Goods cost.

My recommendation is to take the 2nd approach as the problem statement gets compounded when you include Recipes as well. With multiple recipe versions and alternate versions, the challenge to manage is very difficult in a single nested BOM in Anaplan.