What is an Indicator?

Indicators from Predictive Insights provide actionable data and insights for sales and marketing. We offer two types:

  1. Fit (or firmographic). These include industry, sub industry, employee size, annual revenue, location, technologies used, hiring trends, and more.
  2. Intent. These are based on external search behavior on relevant terms or phrases. Intent data is volatile and refreshed every 7 days. Intent indicators are labeled with the word “Intent” in their titles.

Turning Data into Meaningful Insights

When it’s time to decide which indicators to leverage for your sales or marketing efforts, we recommend focusing on the questions you’d most like to have answered in order to qualify accounts or have a personalized and engaging conversation with them. For example:

  • What research does sales commonly conduct prior to calling a prospect?
  • What are the requirements for pre-qualification, as asked by sales?
  • What insights matter most to sales, marketing and product teams?

By identifying the attributes, or indicators, that can help answer those questions, you will be selecting the data to support account qualification and/or message personalization.

For example, if your product is a marketing platform, then as a qualifier you may wish to know about the maturity of an account’s marketing and technology stack. In that case, your selection process may include questions and selections like the following:

Qualifying Questions

Types of Indicators to Consider


Does this account have technologies we integrate with?

Technographic (technologies your product integrates with)

Has Marketo

Does this account use complementary tools?

Technographics for complementary tools

Has a CRM

Does this account have the right end users, or department in-house?

Hiring for “xx”

Hiring Marketing Automation positions

Other common qualifying questions could include who is researching similar brands and relevant products, or what business needs or problems an account is looking to solve. In those cases, you may consider using intent indicators for competitors, or intent for a particular use case.

频率uently Asked Questions

How Do I Use Indicators?

Indicators can be used for insights, enrichment, segmenting, as campaign triggers through integrations with your CRM or MAP, or as filters when creating segments of known or net new accounts within Market Analyzer. To use an indicator, you will need to turn it on in the Enrichment area for each model for which you’ll be using it. For each indicator, there is an option called “Exportable”. Once an indicator is enabled for export, data for that indicator will be appended to any list exported from the platform, and the indicator will be available for use in integrations.

Note that turning indicators on or off will not affect a model, or the rank/score for accounts or leads in any way; turning an indicator on for export simply makes the indicator available for export, and for use in integrations.

How Many Indicators Can I/should I Use?

You can turn on and use as many indicators as you’d like for each model. When an indicator is turned on, data for that indicator will be appended to any list exported

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π的平台,将变得和指标e available to use in integrations. If you were to turn on 50 indicators for a particular model, then whenever you export a list for that model there will be 50 columns appended as columns (each with data for one of those 50 indicators). For integrations, we recommend starting with no more than 15, so that the volume of data is not overwhelming to users.

Who Should Choose Which Indicators to Use?

Within your organization, it may be helpful to survey a cross-functional group for input on which are the most valuable data points for each team.

Is There Data to Help Me Choose Which Indicators to Use?

In the Enrichment area for each model, you can see how prevalent an indicator is among the accounts used to build your model.

In this example, the green bar represents the presence of “Software Suite: Amazon Cloud Service” among the positive list members (65%). The purple bar represents presence among the house list (30%). The lift is the ratio between the two, telling us that this customer converts house list members with this attribute 2.2x more often than those without it. We recommend you consider relevant indicators with a lift of more than 1.5x.

If you have any additional questions about selecting indicators, please ask your Customer Experience Business Partner.
