Move the view of two tables at once! (on/off syncronise) New feature

It will be super useful to move two tables at once. In the example above, the red figure show what should happen when moving one table to the right. The other table should move at the same time.

With this feature, we could see values in same months between two different tables.


Any question, please contact me@NachoCuevasThank you

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Regular Contributor

An alternative feature to this could be to optionally 'merge' two views with a shared dimension, either columns or rows, optionally with a separating row/column or repeated header between them.


Thanks for your comment, George.

t's a great idea for a manual solution before.

At the same time you want to see the data in the same months, you may want to see data in different months. In this case, you will need to have the same two tables separately again.

A UX page with these 2 options will need three tables (2 individuals and 1 together) for this view.

A useful idea is to have a ON/OFF button to sync the dimension needed (time as an example).


I concur to have an ability to build custom views based on mixing different modules with common dimensions into one single view.

Would release workload on model builders having to change modules for reporting or ux sole purposes

Certified Master Anaplanner

This Idea has already been suggested some time ago (and multiple times):

From what I see, Anaplan said it's "On Roadmap", and it might be released even before end of this month:


Seems that this idea is already on roadmap and coming soon.

Certified Master Anaplanner

@rob_marshallyeah, got the notification about platform update and watched the demo. During tests, I found out two sad things (I know I shouldn't complain, but...)

  • 有一个最大限度4grids in a group, because of that I couldn't use it on one of our dashboards - we have 6 grids, and it would feel strange to have 4 of them synced and 4 not.
  • I cannot apply more than one group to a table - otherwise I'd solve the previous one by having two groups with the same settings, but one applied to grids 1-4, and the second applied to grids 4-6. But also it would allow me to sync horizontal scroll between tables A and B and in the same time vertical scroll between A and C.

@rob_marshallFinally! Great improvement, very useful for our clients.

Thanks Anaplan!