Home Page Layout Suggestion

As we guide users through the Home Page Layout, I would like to suggest the below order as I believe would help with easy access to Apps. Current Layout is very confusing to users new to Anaplan.

Display Order on Home Page:

Display Order on Favorites Panel:


1. Apps

1. Apps

Most used by end /business users, and model builders

2. Models

2. Models

Most used by model builders

3. Pages

3. Pages

Rarely used as native navigation within App exists, but Favoriting Pages would still be good to have


There would ideally be a way to only show the app that an end-user has access to or have them go directly to the app's welcome page if that is all they have access to. Also, most frequently accessed Pages, and Apps do not appear on the top for users, if the most recently visited/frequently visited app in on top, it would be an effective layout.