Occasional Contributor

Level 2- Sprint 1- 1.3.6

Hey everyone,

I am hoping someone would be able to provide some clarification for me. I am on lesson 1.3.6 of Sprint 1 for Level 2 and it states that the following items need to be in the saved view. What are the subset line items?

"Include: Code, Parent, and subset line items"

Thank You, Laura

Occasional Contributor

To be more specific I am referring to lesson

Occasional Contributor

I'm working on that one right now. I think subset means the "Distribution Center" column.


@lauragrippinHere the idea is to have a view created to import details of a list (Code, Parent) and create a Subset List using the system module line item.

Hope this helps.


Frequent Contributor

I think this is worded slightly confusing. It said ""Include: Code, Parent, and subset line items" . A normal person would select Code , Country (Parent of Location is Country) and get stuck on subset line items.

Thankfully in 1.3.8 video, the video shows Build Location shows columns as Code,Country,Factory? . I am assuming that in an old version of training, the Distribution Centre was called Factory. So based on this, I think we should show Code,Country,Distribution Centre

Regular Contributor

@Niraj.BThe ? at the end of Factory would normally denote a boolean field. Have you created a subset in your list to denote the distribution centre? If so then it will be that boolean you need to select.
Regular Contributor

@lauragrippinif u are trying to understand "Line Item Subset" then u can refer the below documentation:

But to simplify for you about the "Line Item Subset", this is a small set (kind of view) of module with required line items and then this "Line Item Subset" can be used as Dimension in any module.

1. Module: Product Sales

2. Created Line Item Subset:

CommunityMember126793_0-1615535807477.pngSelect the required line items from picked Module

3. Line Item Subset with the name "New" is created.

4. This can be used now in new module, if require


Hope able to clarify!

Frequent Contributor


I am having similar problem, I think. Specifically there are no other columns in this data set. It's just Region and Code. I went back and checked the CSV file and it's the same. Where are you getting the other data? I've followed every step until now, as far as I know.

New Contributor

Hi All,

same issue here. The training seems to have quite a few bugs e..g line item name typos in flat files. It would be cool if the support could actually access the lesson in question and complete the tasks.