Occasional Contributor

How to Truncate the combination of string and numerical?

In a module, a line item is list formatted and the data displayed is in the form "String1:String2 Numerical code". How to truncate the data and display the string1 only in the same line item?

Example: "ABCD:efgh 12345" (say) is displayed in the list formatted line item. Then, how to display only ABCD in the same line item?

Master Anaplanner/Community Boss

I'd use the "Find" function. So you'd have something like Left(list item,FIND(":",list item)).

Obviously best to break it all down using the best practice on data hubs particularly this section (https://community.anaplan.com/t5/Best-Practices/Data-Hubs-Purpose-and-Peak-Performance/ta-p/48866#to...)