

理查德·巴雷特(Richard Barrett)


在里面第一件在本系列中,我建议,尽管它被广泛认识到滚动预报有助于提高预测和公司敏捷性的准确性,但今天只有三分之一的公司实际使用它们。我现在更加相信我的估计在正确的球场上,因为它离40%的数字不远德勤在他们的计划和预算的最新调查中发现。The reason for this low level of adoption is that many organizations treat a reforecast as a re-budget. For them, moving to monthly rolling reforecasts would mean budgeting 12 times a year, which is clearly unacceptable.

To be effective, forecasting needs to be a rapid, light-touch process for both citizen planners and the finance team managing the process. It should be a quick assessment of the real trajectory of the business, reviewing any external or internal changes, and realigning resources to address issues and opportunities. Rather than episodic, it should be a fundamental part of what managers do every month. But ideally, it should not take up for more than a few hours of their time.


Most organizations will find this first step to be relatively straightforward; the next steps may be more contentious though. If it is impossible to deliver rolling reforecasts by treating every forecast as a re-budget, then surely a new mindset is called for. To my mind, the three points below are the essential building blocks that are imperative for successfully achieving monthly rolling reforecasts:




Reforecasting models will only gain traction if they provide the level of detail that managers in the operational areas of the business need on a daily basis. This is easy to achieve by incorporating algorithms into models so that higher-level input are automatically spread down to individual product variants and pack sizes based on recent history. At the same time, incorporating statistical forecasting functions, such as linear regression and seasonality modelling, that are available in theAnaplanApp Hub,将有助于进一步削减预测周期。

3. Move to real time

It is imperative that theenterprise planning and budgeting solution支持实时的“假设”建模。否则,为重新申请做出贡献的公民规划者将不可避免地诉诸于使用电子表格,这将大大增加其工作量并延长重新申请的周期时间。



你应该看f那么独特的功能or if you are seeking a planning tool to support rolling reforecasts? Well clearly, not a solution which has its foundations in financial budgeting. This is a point that Dean Sorensen made recently in an文章他建议需要的是他称为“ EPM2”的新软件。Sorensen建议的Thecharacteristics将EPM2与EPM1区分开来解决上面突出显示的滚动重新归档所需的三个构件中的每个块,即嵌入式建模逻辑,处理大量数据和实时处理的能力。索伦森指出,所选解决方案包括所有这些功能很重要。他还建议,嵌入式计划模型逻辑是关键的功能,而不是内存计算,他说可以简单地找到错误的答案。

综上所述,这三个功能无疑为使滚动预测成为现实提供了必需品。如果您想扩展列表,我将添加自我管理,集成的工作流程和内置自动化,以通过消除编辑业务规则的需求来最大程度地减少模型维护。一个例子是functionality for rolling time periods that Anaplan delivered in the January release
