
Why xP&A is the future of corporate planning




It’s official – financial planning alone isn’t enough if you want to succeed. That’s what leading analyst firm Gartner revealed in 2020 when it coined the term扩展计划与分析(XP&A)

根据全球研究和咨询公司的说法,“ XP&A是对寻求利用新的数字业务模型并导航当前经济不确定性的企业面临的挑战的回应……这是一种以平台为中心的企业计划策略,将FP&A的用途扩展到财务上,超越财务案例。添加使用相同的可组合供应商平台,体系结构和数据模型的居民操作应用程序,以改善对齐方式。新添加的计划学科以外的财务部门包括供应链,销售,营销,HCM和IT。”

Per our understanding, Gartner’s point is that companies need a comprehensive view across lines of business and operations, linking corporate strategy and execution. And the finance department is ideally positioned to deliver this unified view, since it already gathers financial data company-wide and performs resource allocation, planning, forecasting, and reporting. The xP&A approach helps empower CFOs to lead company-wide strategic initiatives and help optimize business outcomes.

Gartner estimates “By 2024, 70% of new financial planning and analysis projects will become extended planning and analysis (xP&A) projects.” In other words, xP&A is the way of the future. We couldn’t agree more.

How xP&A helps deck the halls


  • Supply chain and sourcing——我们能得到我们想要的产品,cost-effectively? How will they be delivered, and when will they arrive?
  • Workforce planning– How many people will we need during peak season, and with what skills? How will we recruit and train them? What’s a competitive rate of pay to keep good people on staff? How do we measure performance?
  • 操作- 我们的商店,仓库和办公室是否放置在我们需要的地方?我们需要什亚搏娱乐电子么资源来保持灯光的灯光以及所有看起来新鲜和喜庆的东西?
  • Marketing- 热趋势是什么?消费者可能需要什么?我们想推广哪些主题?


Creating clear lines of sight

在Anaplan,我们开创了我们称之为跨功能的连续方法365亚博 。同类中的第一个,是在单个代码库中构建的Anaplan平台在整个业务中打开视线,因此财务办公室可以在销售,人力资源,运营和其他业务的其他领域实时看到什么。

Figure 3: The “Honeycomb Effect” of Connected Planning Enables Faster, Better Decision-Making Enterprise-Wide

尽管许多FP&A系统刚刚开始考虑前沿集成和分析,但Connected Planning会提供它。亚博vip反水Anaplan的互联亚博vip反水计划着眼于关键业务驱动力(内部和外部),以发现可能被忽略的关系。它的机器学习和人工智能功能使您可以获得洞察力,以比以往任何时候都更快,更准确地揭示机会并预期变化。




Leading-edge xP&A platforms such as the Anaplan Platform can deliver the ability to continuously access and analyze a depth and breadth of data throughout the organization. Finance and business leaders can collaborate, forecast, analyze, and plan using a single source of truth.




So as the year comes to a close, from all of us at Anaplan, we’d like to extend our sincerest thanks – to our customers, our partners, our employees, and the entire Anaplan community – for not only helping to redefine the planning space and contribute to our领导成功亚搏彩票手机版免费下载,而且还用于展示整个2020年的真实勇气。


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