
Anaplan Connect: Dumpfile

Hi everyone,
当我试图自动出口转储文件the Anaplan connect API has run. With normal imports/exports, it works fine and I'm able to specify a name for the txt-file. When I use a process, I'm not able to give the txt a name. I can only specify the folder. Is there any way to give the dumpfile a custom name?

I use the following code:

@Echooff set AnaplanUser= set WorkspaceId= set ModelId= set ServiceUrl="https://api.anaplan.com" set AuthUrl="https://auth.anaplan.com" set FileName="test.csv" set FilePath="D:\Dataexchange\test.csv" set processname="API - CSV - Import test" set DumpName="D:\004. Bestanden\Foutmeldingen\test.txt" set Chunksize=1 set Operation=-debug -service %ServiceUrl% -auth %AuthUrl% -workspace %WorkspaceId% -model %ModelId% -chunksize %Chunksize% -file %FileName% -put %FilePath% -process %processname% -execute -output %DumpName% rem *** End of settings - Do not edit below this line *** setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion || exit /b 1 cd %~dp0 if not %AnaplanUser% == "" set Credentials=-user %AnaplanUser% set Command=.\AnaplanClient.bat %Credentials% %Operation% @echo %Command% cmd /c %Command% Exit