
Nice write up@matthewkuo。我想看看ta多长时间的统计数据kes an average person to complete this certification. I spent almost 55 hours when it was all added up. I'm probably on the slower side where most of my time was spent on the model schemas. I broke my process up into three parts:

  • Document the user stories
  • Assign the user stories to a UX
  • Design a model schema for each UX - I also used the Anaplan color scheme for DISCO

You place a lot of emphasis on the importance of matching real use cases. I agree - but one set of circumstances I think would truly add value to this certification is how to prevent "Anaplan Deprecation", something I know is also important to you. I've similarly found that once a model deviates too far from the architecture (model schema) the harder it is to maintain. You can generally tell when a model has gone too far by looking at the model map. When I see arrows going back and forth, rather than left to right, I know I'm in for a long night. Some lessons on how to knowledge transfer from architect to modeler and from developer to support would probably be a good follow up lesson.

As always,@matthewkuoI enjoy reading your write ups. Thank you!!

Jared Dolich