2021年2月10日,学习者的休息室与Anaplanner Master Einas Ibrahim(@einas.ibrahim)主持了一个虚拟问答。原始的活动总结(以及后续问题和答案)最初在这里的论坛中托管,但我们现在将其添加到该小组的知识库档案中。在这种情况下,Einas讨论了她成为Anaplanner大师的旅程以及随之而来的职业发展。
候补名单进入Anaplan访问90天的试用列表需要多长时间?此时提交的请求将按照新工作区的可用顺序进行处理。我们目前的等待时间在72小时内。如何首次访问工作空间?一旦提交了Anaplan访问表格,并且已经处理了该表格,您将收到Talent Builder Team(Talentbuilder@anaplan.com)的欢迎电子邮件,以及一封电子邮件,其中包含指向工作空间的链接。如果我没有收到工作区访问电子邮件,该怎么办?如果您没有收到工作空间链接,请确保在放错位置的情况下检查垃圾邮件文件夹。如果您还没有收到它,请联系talentbuilder@anaplan.com。90天的试验是否包括页面构建器访问应用程序?我们无法提供对应用程序的页面构建器角色访问权限,因为这对于90天Anaplan访问免费试用期间提供的学习不是必需的。 How do I download my Certified Model Builder certificate? You can now download the “Certified Model Builder” certificate on Anaplan’s Learning Center. Please visit our Anaplan Community post for more detailed steps. My Model Builder certificate is expiring. How do I maintain an up-to-date certificate? Please visit our Community post detailing how to keep current on your Certified Model Builder requirements. Can I convert my education trial to a paying workspace? The Anaplan Access 90-Day free trial is designed for new learners to progress through L1, L2, and L3 learning to jumpstart the journey to becoming a Certified Model builder. We do not currently offer an option to pay for a learning workspace. To learn more about cost association, please submit an inquiry at Anaplan.com/contact. When can I reapply for a new 90-day trial? If you were not able to finish your L1, L2, and The Anaplan Way training, and you would like to continue your journey to becoming a Certified Model Builder, you may submit a new application via the Anaplan Access page. Though your previous workspace has been recycled, your learning records are always up to date. What happens to my workspace models after my trial period? After your trial period has ended, due to our limited number of workspaces available, all models are deleted and the space is recycled for new users waiting to enter the program.