
Anaplan & OneNote... What tools do you use?

Hi All,

I've always been a fan ofOneNote, but I really began using it extensively when I starting working in Anaplan. It even maintains my nice-lookingA+ for Anaplanformulas.

I'm curious if any of you have other tools you'd recommend using with Anaplan?

Master Anaplanner/Community Boss


I also use OneNote on a regular basis, but mostly for making notes and scrabbling instead of using paper. I never thought of using it to edit and audit Anaplan Formulas. I will give it a go!

Probably this does not come as a surprise to anybody, but I usually rely on Notepad ++ or Excel (the latter mostly when downloading the whole list of Line Items in the model) for the purposes that you mentioned.



Master Anaplanner/Community Boss


for me it is a mix of OneNote, Excel, and Notepad++.

I also really like that formatting is kept in OneNote! Makes it much easier than using Notepad++.


Hi All,

As most of you, I use mainly A+ for Anaplan, Notepad++ and Excel (however, OneNote isn't my thing).

Notepad++ is really useful when you add Anaplan language (apart from that, I use it for JSON from Anaplan API and simple text operations, like sorting, removing duplicates etc.), and Excel is must-have not only for Imports/Exports, but also for things like model analysis using exports from Models→Line items or Lists, or quick JSON→CSV translation.



Great question.

In addition to One Note, which I use for everything - including my own take on the L1 VILT course. It's terrific. I also use:

  • Postman(free) to test APIs
  • PythonandVS Code(free) to import/export/check statuses
  • @MagaliPfamous extensions (free), particularlyExcel
  • Knime(free) andR Studio(free) to handle statistical modeling, particularly classification methods like clustering
  • For special visualizations I usePower BI Desktop(free, sort of) although I preferTableau(license) because of the native connector to Anaplan.
  • For proof of concepts and wireframing I will sometimes useExcel VBA(free with Office License).
  • For the Anaplan Way, I have a special process that uses theAnaplan Way App,Excel Anaplan Add-In, andPowerPoint VBA.
  • For video, screencasting, and .gif creations I useCamtasia(License)

Jared Dolich
Master Anaplanner/Community Boss

Actually now that@JaredDolichshared his great list, it reminded me about two useful extensions. Since I assume most of the people are using Google Chrome, please consider these two extensions:

  • Page Marker- you can easily draw, make circles or whatever you wish on your screen and save the screenshot immediately. I also find it very useful when sharing my screen and presenting that I can draw and mark something on my screen.
  • Vidyard- instead of typing an explanation of how to do something in Anaplan, I would rather make a short video of my screen and share the link with the client, so they can open it and follow the steps.

Hope it is useful!


OneNote and Notepad++.

Notepad++ is awesome because you can add line breaks when using find and replace.


To compare csv's (sometimes required when we constantly receive different version of data load files) , I use WinMerge or a similar diff tool
