Anaplan+Adobe Experience Cloud: Closed-loop marketing transformation

Geoff Amborn

Director, Business Development, Sales and Marketing Solutions

Marketing, as a business process, faces a严重的挑战– trying to connectplans, budget, and spend to performance, with the visibility and specificity needed to make timely decisions and act with agility. Its operations are complex and fast-changing. CMOsand their agency partnersmay spendbillions of每年的各种上市(GTM)计划的美元。他们需要跟踪品牌,各个产品,市场,渠道和广告系列的GTM支出。然后,他们将结果与分配的金额保持平衡。只有这样,他们才知道那些GTM的努力是否成功,因此如何预算他们亚搏彩票手机版免费下载investments在下个月,季度或一年中。

It’s a time-consuming和分散的业务过程drivenbythrongs ofspreadsheets, documents, point solutions, calls, emails, and meetings.And it involves大量的灵魂无效和无效性.

据一些估计,营销领导者仅在进行GTM支出分析时花费多达30%的时间他们宁愿专注于在产品和客户之间找到更好的拟合度,或者需要快速旋转运动以反映经济或客户偏好的突然转变。他们需要一种更有效的方法来关闭计划,支出管理和执行绩效之间的循环in order to meet or exceedrevenue,利润,体积,andengagement, targets.

Less manual tracking, more marketing visibility

To address these challenges, Anaplan andAdobe最近与之合作provide a digital marketing transformation solution giving go-to-market leaders quick visibility and agility to direct investments to execution activities that will have the best ROI.

The partnership involves Anaplan integrations to Adobe Experience Cloud, including connections to Adobe Experience Manager (Assets), Adobe Campaign,Marketo, Adobe Analytics, and AdobeAudience Manager.One example of theAnaplan+ AdobeExperience CloudsolutionisDeloitte’s Closed-Loop Marketing Solution, which youcansee in action here.

Tenterprise planning capabilities Anaplan contributes to the partnershipinclude:

  • Managingthe top下降预算和底部up spend management process across go-to-market corporate marketing planning, trade promotion planning, and upstream commercial revenue planning.
  • Managingbusiness unit budgeting, spendingvisibility, approvals,and actuals internally andacross go-to-market external partner and vendor ecosystems.
  • 启用ingthe CMO, CRO,andCOO to manage complex go-to-market planning hierarchiesbybrand, market, product, user,或者vendor.
  • 支持complex scenario planning that utilizes各种内部和外部驱动程序.
  • Meeting CIO requirements for a single, highly security-compliant platform with robust integration capabilities (including several cloud choices).
  • Seamlessly providing critical inputs to planning between sales and marketing in real time including resource, spending, focus, territory, quota, account segmentation, incentives, and forecast changes. These insights are especially helpful for B2B operations, where field salesisakey channel but introduces an extra set of planning needs.

Adobe, the leading provider of content and experience management tools, contributes best-in-class enterprise marketing execution and performance capabilities, such as:

  • Managingthe execution layer ofGTMcampaigns and activities.
  • Securely managingcustomer data at the individual and segment level.
  • Creating and tracking content assets, data, campaign, and performance metrics at scale.
  • Providing sophisticated performance analysis on high volumes of campaign data.
  • Passingrelevant subsets of performance metrics back to Anaplan to close the loop between investment and performance.

The benefits of the partnership include:

  • Efficient, closed-loop planning, spending, and performance alignment
  • Synchronized marketing and trade promotion spending
  • Fast GTM budget approval, approved spend, actual spend visibility
  • Agility to make instant budget trade-offs across GTM plans
  • Quickly updating revenue, volume, and profit targets with GTM plan actuals
  • 跨营销,销售和渠道计划的即时更新.

Leading organizations from around the world have turned to Anaplan and Adobe Experience Cloud for go-to-market transformation, across a wide array of亚搏彩票app下载软件安装: technology, consumer packaged goods, life sciences/pharmaceuticals, mediaand娱乐,制造,零售,and more.

For example, one customer, a global technology company, implemented Anaplan and Adobe Experience Cloud as a modern marketing transformation play. In the first year, the customer cut costs by more than a million dollars due to platform consolidation, connected marketing plans to campaign execution platforms with a common ID to enable future strategic analysis, enabled global visibility to its billion-dollar marketing budget with a consistent approval and governance, and has streamlined time to market with 30% faster launch of additional brand pages.

Learnmoredetailsabout how theAnaplan andAdobe Experience Cloud partnershipcan enable marketingtransformation.