Finance Month in Brief - November 2020

用户BriansSommer的个人资料图片 经过布莱恩Sommer December 3, 2020


In the US, we recently celebrated Thanksgiving. For 2020, a lot of enterprise software vendors should be giving thanks, too: thanks for continued sales! This month, we heard of new applications being developed, growing revenue numbers, and, lots of innovation in the audit space.

Interesting Briefings

I enjoy hearing from new vendors, vendors I haven’t heard from in ages and the occasional update from a vendor that has some big news (e.g., an acquisition). Briefings in the last few weeks have had some interesting insights re: COVID and its effect on the software market.


AuditBoard- 那里有一家新公司正在为审计师制作应用程序软件。是审核板。但是在跳过另一个主题之前,我建议您继续阅读。

It seems that governance, regulation and compliance activities are getting pounded this year. The pandemic has triggered firms to move work and workers outside of the office and work remotely. Is customer data safe if it’s being accessed in your employees’ homes? Many firms made material adaptations to their business models just to book some revenue (e.g., full-service restaurants moved to offer online ordering and take-out service) but did their controls adapt, too? Some firms changed their production processes to make PPE products while other products were sidelined. Many firms saw disruptions in their supply chains and wonder if all-new suppliers conform to their supplier standards? And, of course, governments have been offering up all kinds of new care packages, office closing rules, regulations and more. Bottom line, compliance is an issue now.

In that light, AuditBoard may be one of the timelier launches of late. Recently, AuditBoard announced two new tools: a Resource Planning tool and a Policy Management application. These products are designed for large audit teams (i.e., of 20+ people), internal auditors and for complex multi-site/multi-national firms.



AuditBoard also conducted arecent study。在总结一些关键发现的新闻稿中,他们说:

a majority of audit and risk professionals believe the risk environment will continue to be dynamic and unpredictable in 2021, rather than returning to more stable pre-pandemic conditions. The top risk they cited for the coming year was of "economic conditions impacting growth,” followed closely by “cybersecurity threats.” The responses also illustrate the long-term changes audit and risk professionals will experience in their roles as a result of the pandemic, and how crucial those individuals will be in helping organizations overcome risk challenges despite gaps in enterprise risk management (ERM) programs.

Eprentise and the Audit world -Eprentise has been the go-to solution for M&A teams and private equity firms globally for more than a decade. They can do in days what integrators, accountants and others struggle with for months when restating, reorganizing, etc. financial records that require much work after a reorganization, divestiture or acquisition.

Eprentise’s product line is expanding and will soon include a new audit module. It’s different from the usual GRC application from an ERP firm and its usefulness to internal and external auditors looks solid. I’ll do a more detailed writeup on this after the New Year.

Appian- 我有机会与Appian的首席执行官Matt Calkins进行了短暂的聊天。自从我签到他们已经有一段时间了。Appian促进了低代码应用程序和工作流程过程自动化的开发。简而言之,我们讨论了:

  • 大流行如何使敏捷应用开发成为优先事项。尽管这已经发展了多年,但最近的事件加速了这一现象。
  • Unifying different kinds of workers (not just apps), especially those now forced to work remotely, triggers a needed measure of collaboration on solution development and business events.

I asked Matt how the low-code phenomenon differed from the citizen developer movement of a few years ago. Matt discussed how without technical knowledge, the average person can’t build apowerfulapplication, specifically, applications that must connect to commercial databases.

马特(Matt)认为阿皮安(Appian)是超级评分锁定的最好的品种替代品。竞争性,该公司必须处理新的基于服务的票务解决方案(a la serviceNow),较旧的流程自动化解决方案,初创企业(例如,unqork), and, RPA vendors. In differing ways, all of these firms/categories deal with bringing together different, diverse information assets.

Who is Appian selling to? Matt says a number of their sales are to CIOs. Like in the current events discussed above, these executives are looking for tools to quickly spin up new apps, new productivity enhancements, etc. To that end, Appian has a number of new applications to help firms track/manage Covid incidents (see graphic below).


Anaplan- 我有机会本月与Anaplan的Jason Loh聊天。我一直期待着这个电话,因为我一直有兴趣听到使用当今EPM/CPM产品使用大数据的客户。

我们的对话始于杰森(Jason)与当今经济(有必要的经济)的2008年经济(一种机会经济)的对比。这种变化强调了为什么大数据,尤其是非交易数据,是今天推动收入收入的关键。Firms need every bit of insight into customers, market trends, etc. to understand what customers need, when they’ll need it, under what terms will they acquire new products/solutions, etc. It’s these insights that improve sales execution and reduce customer acquisition costs. These insights can also head off customer losses to competitors.

Jason spoke of how customers were using Anaplan’s Predictive Insights tool with third party data. One customer he mentioned is seeing their average deal size now 3.8X prior deals. Another customer, a technology firm, is using the software to predict which trial customers of theirs will convert to a paying subscription. That customer is using dark data (i.e., large data sets that the customer has but hasn’t used to mine insights from yet) with the Predictive Insights tool.

Predictive Insights came to Anaplan via an acquisition in the summer of 2019. Anaplan has also developed PlanIQ.Planiq除其他外,与Anaplan Hyperblock和其他AI发动机(例如Salesforce的Einstein)有密切的AI/ML连接。

Jason mentioned that customers are utilizing macro-economic data, weather data and other big data in developing contingency and other plans. He believes these new capabilities are helping firms avoid ‘regrettable attrition’ in sales and revenue losses.


The current issue, November-December, of Harvard Business Review has a number of great pieces.The Risks You Can’t Foreseekicks things off with an examination of “novel risks”. If you wonder whether your firm, industry or country can be struck by a black swan event or a perfect storm again, read this piece.

CPM/EPM供应商Anaplan宣布itsthird quarter results。他们的亮点包括1.149亿美元的总收入(同比增长28%)。订阅收入为1.047亿美元(同比增长31%)。该公司还报告说:

  • Anaplan and Google Cloud宣布a new go-to-market partnership to offer the Anaplan platform on Google Cloud.
  • Anaplan引入new intelligence capabilities for predictive forecasting and scenario planning using PlanIQ with Amazon Forecast.
  • Anaplan announced a multi-year deal to supportwith digital transformation.


Finance/ERP vendorUnit4 may get sold next year。Bloomberg reported that private equity firm Advent International, the owner ofUnit4,已经收到销售查询。显然,Advent试图在2018年出售该公司。Financialforce(other investors include Technology Crossover Ventures and Salesforce Ventures). Unit4 competitors will likely use this press story to sow fear, uncertainty and doubt (FUD) among Unit4’s sales prospects.

ERP vendorOraclehad an analyst event that got everyone up to speed on Oracle’s Cloud ERP progress. There’s been a lot written about Oracle lately on diginomica:

分析事件的证据指出re:the market uptake and implementation successes that Oracle was having with its new Cloud ERP applications. What we saw were slides and slides detailing individual customer implementation successes and more slides re: recent Oracle ERP wins in numerous verticals.


My take
