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Management Reporting with Anaplan allows users to create highly formatted, customizable reports that are designed to provide management and stakeholders with key insights.

Built fully into the Anaplan UX, Management Reporting extends existing reporting capabilities by allowing more users to create dynamic visual narratives with their data to help business leaders pinpoint drivers, align, and act fast. Users can leverage Management Reporting to generate robust, management-level reports with simple to use, powerful tools. In addition, reports can be easily customized and configured to share with teams at any level of the planning process.

Key Management Reporting features include:

  • Report page:Access a highly formatted and structured report page to achieve clear visuals for executive and financial reports.
  • Flexible reports styling:Enhanced flexibility and formatting help showcase key data.
  • Presentation table:目前国际泳联ncial reports such as profit and loss (P&L) in standardized tables.
  • Distribution of reports:PDF reports export as a single or multi-page report pack.

17 (2).pngCheck out the following content for more details about the upcoming Management Reporting capabilities:

Management Reporting is currently in early access and will be available to all customers later this year.