
Released in October

Extensibility Updates

  • Introducing Anaplan CloudWorks:Anaplan Cloudworks简化了数据集成过程,从而快速,直观地访问了新的数据源和服务。借助CloudWorks,业务用户可以通过易于启动的应用程序用户界面访问更广泛的数据,以帮助制定更敏捷,知情的计划和决策。

UX Updates

  • Updates to the way forms behave in the UX:We have updated how forms work in the UX. Previously, forms were associated with models and the same instance of the form could be reused/shared many times across different pages built on top of the same model.现在,所有新的和现有的页面上的现有表格是独立的。These changes have been made to support upcoming UX ALM capabilities to change a page source model depending on its application lifecycle phase. When added to a page, the form will be able to support all models associated with the page.

UX Forms.png

  • 在设计模式下对配置的更新:Grid, Text and Image cards are now configured in the right hand panel. This brings them in to line with Chart and KPI cards and improves builder efficiency as it saves going in and out of the card designer modal to make changes.
  • Page settings updates: Page settings have been combined into a single experience. You can use Page settings to edit the page title, manage access to the page, change the source model, or revert a draft page to the published version.

Page Settings Update 1.pngPage settings Update 2.png

  • 视图设计器中过滤行项目:页面构建者现在可以将过滤器规则应用于视图设计器中的订单项。与经典相似,过滤器假设所有订单项在应用过滤器时都是数字,因此应用过滤器时任何非数字数据类型都会过滤掉。

  • 更新使用层次结构过滤器的卡:We’ve updated the way hierarchy filters on boards work in order to provide a smoother analysis and data-consumption flow for users. When using the hierarchy filter on a board, the item you click on will retain its view of the data while syncing all of the other cards on the page.

  • Extensions:我们通过我们feedback group。第2阶段和第3阶段将于11月到来。

    • Excel Add-in 4.1PowerPoint Add-in 1.7:Our Add-ins are now fully compatible with Self-Service SAML for all new and existing customers.

    • End of support of Office 2010: 作为previously announced,Office 2010用户仍然可以使用办公室加载项,而Anaplan支持仍然可以帮助您进行查询。但是,将不做进一步的开发工作来支持Office 2010的特定问题。

Ideas Delivered in October


Targeted for November

Disclaimer:Please note: The information here is subject to change right up to release go-live time. This post is not a commitment to provide any features by a certain time frame and enhancements to the product may change before release.Subscribe here和check back frequently for the latest.

UX Updates

  • Re-order items: We’re introducing the option to re-order line items, lists, and time directly in the UX via custom views. This removes the need to use saved module views in Classic to re-order items, allowing you to do everything directly in the UX.

  • Leverage UX ALM to associate dev and prod models with pages:Upcoming features will enable a single page to support application lifecycle workflows without requiring separate development and production apps. Specifically, where you have access to models, you can:

    • Choose between different source models与页面关联。

    • 将多个模型与页面相关联so you can switch the source model of a page as part of an application lifecycle. For example, Dev, Prod 1, Prod 2, etc.

    • Make draft page changes against a development model和save before publishing to the production model or models.

董事会页面设置1.PNGBoard Page Settings 2.png

  • Collaboration:

    • Commenting: On November 5, commenting on board cards will be available across Web and Mobile. Have discussions in full context of Anaplan data with a different conversation thread per context selection, and collaborate from anywhere with commenting on the mobile app
  • 移动的:
    • Action cards:Use the mobile app to trigger a notify action, or a process which does not require an import or export.

  • Extensions:

    • Phase 2和3PowerPoint Add-in 1.7Excel Add-in 4.1:第2阶段包括Anapedia下载,第3阶段包括有关所有PowerPoint附加组件和Excel加载项系列3的弹出通知,以及Excel Add-In 4.0的离散功能区通知。

    • Google Sheets Add-on GA: connect your Google Sheets to a module saved view in read-only or read/write to contribute to Anaplan from Google Sheets. Create reports and ad-hoc analysis in minutes.

Admin Console Enhancements

  • 工作空间的使用:在接近实时获得工作空间百分比利用率的可见性。管理员可以查看租户的用法。

  • UX上的用户:本着将经典和UX体验更加紧密的精神,我们正在发布一个新的用户页面。该功能将与经典用户页面相吻合。

  • Self-Service SAML enhancements:为了简化安全管理员的SSO设置,我们正在增强工作空间选择,仅包括与其他身份提供商无关的工作区。

  • CloudWorks Audit:Audit events for CloudWorks will be made available in the admin’s audit feature.


  • 交易API: New Anaplan data integration APIs will export cell data without using actions, and will allow users to access model metadata and update model calendar time period.

  • Anaplan Connector for Power BI:直接从Power BI桌面内部连接到Anaplan,并导出Anaplan数据以增强可视化。通过消除其参与以设置单独集成亚搏娱乐电子的需要来节省时间和资源。

  • Anaplan Connector for Informatica:Informatica更新的Anaplan连接器将包括功能增强功能。更新将启用对Anaplan错误的重试,在长期运行期间修复集成问题,增强文件上传性能,允许下载错误文件以进行导入以及交付简洁的日志文件。

Upcoming scheduled maintenance:

  • November 14: Platform offline: Product Enhancements

  • November 21: Platform offline: Infrastructure update

Have questions or looking for an update? Stay in touch: