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Pri的好处vate Instructor-Led Courses

  • Cost Effective - Private courses can accommodate up to 12 learners bringing down the cost per learner
  • 1:1 Attention - Learners get individual attention from a dedicated trainer
  • Use-Case Specific Questions - Leaners can ask specific questions about their use-case needs


How soon can we schedule a class?

Anaplan Academy needs a minimum of 3 weeks’ notice to schedule a class.

How long is each class?

  • Level 1 is four days, when taught virtually, and three days, when taught in person.
  • Level 2 is a four-day class for both virtual and in-person training.
  • The Anaplan Way is a two-day class, both virtually and in person.

How flexible are the dates?

It’s best when the classes are taught over consecutive days. Levels 1 and 2 are both technical classes, so it helps to learn the material all at once. When class days are broken up, the classroom rhythm is interrupted. The instructor often needs back up and review, which also slows the agenda on the day the class resumes.

How many people can I send to class?

Class limits are set for each course to ensure attendees get adequate attention and support from our instructors. Our standard class size is 8 attendees, but classes vary by course and region. Anaplan will review your completed class request form and work with you to accommodate your needs.

What time of day are the classes scheduled?

Virtual sessions typically run from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., in your local time zone. Times can be adjusted with the instructor to fit your needs.

Will all of my attendee’s reach certification?

  • For level 1, nearly all attendees will complete the class requirements, assuming they attend all days of the class.
  • Level 2 is a more complex model-building class. Exams will need to be taken on their own, after the class instruction. These exams are more rigorous, and have a higher failure rate, than Level 1.

How much does a private class cost?

The price of classes vary in each region and by class. Anaplan will review your completed class request form and will reply with quote in the relevant currency for the country/region. Course fees in the US are as follows: Anaplan Level 1 $10,000, Anaplan Level 2 $15,000, and The Anaplan Way $10,000. Courses will be billed in most local currencies, for these please calculate based on current currency conversion rates, or contact you Anaplan Business Partner for accurate pricing.

How will I be billed?

When class dates and costs are agreed upon, Anaplan will create a Statement of Work to be signed by both parties. Billing will be sent at class completion.

What languages are the classes taught in?

Anaplan and our training partners are able to teach in a variety of languages and attendee accommodations. This will vary by region and by attendee requirements.


Is there a set of instructor materials available now to teach Level 2? Similar to Level 1 Train-The-Trainer?@AdamB?

Thank you.

Hi@AnyaSat this time, our Level 2 Train-The-Trainer materials are only available to our Authorized Training Partners. Please reach out to me directly if you would like more information on our ATP program. Thank you!

Version history
Last update:
‎12-07-202104:30 PM
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About the Author
  • AdamB avatar
    Occasional Contributor