
The Anaplan Security team’s policy mandates that all models undergoing model concurrency testing must be sanitized. This provides additional protection for customers on top of the secure performance test environment. Model sanitization involves manipulation of data contained in a model to values that do not allow the identification of a company, any persons, any precise locations, any company plans, and any other sensitive data.

We advise customers to make a copy of their model, sanitize it, and provide the model concurrency team with access to the model. We can then import this sanitized copy of the model into our performance test environment. Alternatively, if there is insufficient workspace capacity to enable a model copy, L3 Support can assist by providing an isolated workspace to carry out sanitization.


This document serves to inform model builders/customers of what the model sanitization requirements are and some approaches. Script development does not start until a model has been imported into the performance test environment.

Sanitization priority list

We understand that customers may not sanitize all data due to time/effort constraints. We recommend that all data be sanitized, but the table below lists which data can remain unchanged.模型消毒


1. company名称 -


2. Other company name(s)—Mandatory

这种类型的数据通常在模型本身中。检查组织,关键供应商,客户或分销商等的一般列表。对于此数据,我们建议将这些值转换为“编号列表”的修改版本(请参阅Sanitization Techniques部分),或更换了带有随机的α数字字符串。相反,使用数字是不可接受的,因为它降低了模型的可读性。仪表板上的任何名称实例也应适当修改。

3.财务数据 - 持久性

财务数据通常是从几个模块中计算出的值。检查收入和费用的蓝图视图,以获取所有原始模块的列表。这些模块中的相关数值值将阻止人们猜测公司的规模和市场绩效。使这些数字值完全相同是足够的。但是,仅用0代替它们是不建议的. Remember that the goal of model concurrency testing is to provide information on performance during concurrent usage—realistic cell calculations should be exercised. Please refer to the Sanitization Techniques section for best practices.

4. Real person name(s)—Mandatory

People names can often be used in employee lists, teams lists, and similar. Changing the names to a modified version of the “Numbered List” will help replace the actual names (refer to Sanitization Techniques section). Another option would be to just replace the surname column values with random strings in the list. The surname need not be unique depending on usage within the model. In such cases, you can copy/paste one value for all surnames instead. If you would like a list of randomly generated names, please contactmodel.concurrency@anaplan.com提前,我们可以将其作为CSV或电子表格文档提供。

5.位置 - 选择


6.产品 - 选择


7. Services—Optional

This type of data is similar to the above "Products" and the approach to sanitization is also the same. This has a low sanitization priority as this data tends to not contain any identifiable branding.



修改的编号列表 - 申请


  1. Go to Settings >General Lists and identify the list you want to sanitize.
  2. Scroll right until you’ve reached the “Numbered” column.
  3. 蜱虫然后un-tick盒子。这应该改变names of the items on that list to the default IDs that the model associates with the items.
  4. 现在转到一般列表>[您正在消毒的清单]>Properties tab.
  5. Insert a new property and name it "Sanitized Display Name."
  6. 将格式更改为“文本”。
  7. 在“公式”列中输入以下公式:列表名称" & NAME(ITEM('[列表名称]))。在哪里列表名称是您要给出列表项目名称的前缀,并且列表名称是您正在修改的列表的实际名称。
  8. 回到设置>General Lists > [the list you’re sanitizing]并滚动到“编号”列。
  9. 勾选框以激活编号列表。
  10. 然后选择“显示名称属性”列下的“消毒显示名称”。

Temporary hardcoding values—Recommended

Modules used for collecting user data input, such as actual sales figures, forecasted sales values, salaries, etc. can be quickly sanitized using the following steps:

  1. 从“设置”选项卡打开用于数据输入的模块。
  2. 确定用于输入需要消毒的数据的订单项。选择该行项目下的任何单元格。
  3. 转到其公式栏,然后以随机数输入。这应该更改与该行项目相关的所有单元格的值。
  4. 从公式栏中删除随机数。

Direct copy and paste




小费:Mistakes and errors


Version history
Last update:
05-18-201804:42 pm
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