Community Manager

Anaplan Talent Builder: Graduate Check-In

Happy Monday, everyone! Today I've got a question for the members of this group who have completed their Anaplan model builder trainings:where has your journey taken you since then?Share an update on how you've been able to utilize your new skills and experience in your career!


Have you changed jobs or found a new role? Has your network grown? Has it changed your confidence in any areas? Have you been able to apply something that you learned in unexpected ways?

No update is too big or too small, so please don't be shy. Looking forward to reading some exciting and encouraging stories!

Community Manager

It's great to hear that you've been able to not only utilize the skills learned but extend them in new ways. Congratulations on the success so far!



Nothing is more fun, other than building the real thing, than to build a prototype! Customers love it when they can see something vs. guessing on a whiteboard. Congratulations!

Jared Dolich