新的用户体验理念,应用一个模型urce to all pages of the app at once

One of our model a dev and multiple prod models linked to a single dev via ALM.

We have developed New UX App based on dev with a lot of pages in it.

My aim now is to apply all prod models we have to this app, but the existing procedure is not effective for this idea.

I want to have ability to add new source to the excising app globally without need to select each page one by one.

Per each page i will have to click at least 8 times which is too big waste of time.


Certified Master Anaplanner

I wrote a script to do this, given two lists, one of source models, and one of target pages. PM me for more info:slightly_smiling_face:


Also had this problem. It was really exhausting to add all needed pages to each model!