NUX Customize Load File message

Hi All,

in NUX when Users need to load the file, they can see following message:


It always says 'select the CSV file'. This is really confusing, because in this case Users are obliged to load Unicode Text file. Although, they always see CSV here. We are not able to edit or customize this message.

Using classic dashboard, the message is not confusing, it doesn't mention type of the file


I suggest that in order to improve User Experience and avoid confusion:

- the message should be customizable


- the message should be the same as when using classic dashboards.

Certified Master Anaplanner

I did not pay attention to the message, but indeed, it gives the impression that in Anaplan you could upload only CSV file.:slightly_smiling_face:

在Anaplan t是可能的o upload any TXT file (not only CSV).

Indeed, in NUX, the message could be a more general one... like it was in classic dashboards.

Master Anaplanner/Community Boss

Hi@sprender, any chance for the team to look into this issue? It becomes very inconvenient. For one of our clients, all manuals load are done via TXT file. All Users (especially news users) are constantly confused seeing the 'Select the CSV file' message.

New Contributor

Dear Anaplan, it would be very much appreciated if you could look into this. It is quite frustrating for us, as we have transitioned all of our classic dashboards to the NUX apps and pages and now receive constantly questions from all our users.

My suggestion would be to make this editable, as it makes sense to include a notion of the format of the load file required.

Regular Contributor

We understand how this can be confusing to users so we will look to address. Changing status to on Roadmap. Thankyou for raising the request.

Status changed to:On Roadmap
Master Anaplanner/Community Boss

@sprenderthank you, appreciate quick response!