
Group models on the main launchpad by user defined groups.


Group models on the main launchpad by user defined groups.

Example of enhancement:

Admins will be able to define groups in their workspace, which can be applied to models in the workspace. The models on the main screen will then display based on the group that they have been assigned.


Currently there is no way to have a "folder" or "group" of models on the main login tile screen, which makes it very difficult for end users to find what model they are looking for. End users tend to look for a model, not by name, but by purpose.

1 Comment
Community Manager

Good news - you can define model categorization values within Tenant Administration under the following categories: Business Function, App, Geography, and Planning Cycle. Values within these categories can be used to filter the models visible on Launchpad.

Find out more on Anapedia here:https://help.anaplan.com/anapedia/Content/Administration_and_Security/Tenant_Administration/Tenant_A...

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