
ThePlanualstates that the Summary Method for most line items should be set to None. This is a great rule to follow—unless:

  • The totals need to be displayed on a dashboard/page.
  • The data needs to be aggregated.

Let's assume we have several levels in a cost center hierarchy as shown below:

- L1 Region

- L2 Sub Region

- L3 Business Unit

- L4 Cost Center

Let's assume we have asourcemodule dimensioned by Accts,L4 Cost Centers, Months, and a single line item where NONE is the Summary Method.

Example 1 Source Data.JPG

现在,假设我们有一个目标module dimensioned by Accts,L2子区域, Months, and some line items.

Example 1 Target Data.JPG


Example 2 SYS Module1.JPG

In this example, the formula would beSource Data.'Amt (No Summary)'[SUM: 'SYS L4 Cost Center'.Sub Region]. Simple enough, right?


Example 2 List for Dummy Total.JPG

...and map it to the L4 Cost Centers list within the L4 Cost Center SYS module.

Example 2 SYS Module.JPG

而中心映射到L3、L4成本L2等等。is based on the composite structure and uses the PARENT formula, the mapping to this one-item list is justOneItemList.MemberOfOneItemList.

Then, in order to sum the data within a target module, the one-item dimension must be included in the structure and reference the L4 Cost Center SYSmodule for the one-item mapping via a SUM formula.


If it is not desired to have the one-item dimension in the final output module, then the above module can be used as the source in conjunction with a line item to select the 'Dummy Total'...

Example 2 Model Asspts.JPG


Example 2 Output Module.JPG

Depending on the number of levels and size of the dimensions for the source and target modules this can save a lot of space, roughly 30-70%. For small modules, using this approach is likely not worth the effort, but this can provide tremendous space savings on very large modules.

The content in this article has not been evaluated for all Anaplan implementations and may not be recommended for your specific situation.
Please consult your internal administrators prior to applying any of the ideas or steps in this article.

How would you sum months into years without summary method?


Thank you for sharing this!

What is the difference of impact on performance when we use this aggregation method with SUM vs. when we use native summary method?

Thank you!



Here is some analysis I did for a client (it depends on the how many updates are being made and how many of the cells are 0). Dummy sum vs native summation - performance considerations:

  • When loading data/opening a model, because there are less subtotals to calculate with the Dummy Sum you are reducing the number of calculations that are run. This can improve performance.
  • However, when processing a user update (which is often only a few cells in the source data), the Native Summation can leverage the subtotals and only calculate updated cells. Meaning less calculations are run and improved performance.
  • Native Summation has certain optimisations built into it, for example when the cells being totalled areempty/0subsequent calculations aren't run. In this case the Native Summation will run a lot faster than the Dummy Sum which doens't benefit from the same optimisation.


To sum months into years you can use MOVINGSUM(Line item, 0,0)

Still, I'm not sure whether the tradeoff between saving model space and the readability of the model pays off in this situation.

This approach could save almost 50% of the required space (12 months vs. 12m + 4q + 1y), which is worth trying for large modules. Nevertheless, another concern for the large modules is calculation time, which should be tested case by case. I assume the native YEARVALUE() would show better results than the artificially built formula.

Thank you,@whitby

Last update:
‎04-13-202102:37 PM
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