Group Leader - Employee
Group Leader - Employee

Notify Action has gone LIVE for all customers!

:party_popper:Exciting news! Notify action already available!!!:party_popper:

Updated demo video including recipient email and mobile deep linking! Facilitate smooth handoff of work
  • Configure static recipients for a notification
Engage users and draw them into platform
  • Set the destination page, drawing users directlyinto the right place
Notify users they need to take action
  • Add a default message for the notification whichinforms the user of their action to take.
  • Customizable by the end user when they triggerthe notification
Open on mobile devices
  • Open link on a mobile device with Anaplaninstalled and be directed straight to the page insidethe mobile app
Login with SSO
  • Go directly to your page after logging with your SSO provider
Please review the DEMO (in attachment)