

The green economy of the future: More data, planning rigor, and technology support

Climate change is the most critical challenge of our generation — it also provides opportunities for businesses to create economic value. Clean energy transition is now a transformational business disruption affecting every aspect of an organization’s operations and assets. As the economy moves towards the greener future with an aim to displace fossil fuels and protect our planet, businesses across the globe are realizing the impact, taking a bold stand on Environment Social Governance (ESG) standards to drive climate change, and embracing the opportunities and benefits of a green economy.

今天,我们加入了世界上最大的环境运动,地球日,致力于到2050年实现零净排放。公司计划通过不同的战略,政府支持以及培训和发展实现这一目标。然而,技术和创新将是减少排放的关键驱动力,所有计划将依靠一个常见的重要组成部分:数据。高质量的数据 - 作为与战略和计划集成的企业范围平台上的单一真实数据 - 对于绿色计划的计划和决策至关重要。


Background: Decarbonization’s business future

随着我们朝着低碳经济发展,组织在脱碳革命中立场。但是,这对业务意味着什么?这回到了巴黎协议(2015年由196个政党通过) - 经济和社会转型需要将全球变暖限制在2摄氏度以下。脱碳是二氧化碳排放的减少,目的是减少和消除碳排放量以达到零排放的排放。

Therefore, decarbonization means the use of low-carbon energy generation and the reduction in the use of fossil fuels. Further, accomplishing alternate low-carbon technologies with energy sources such as clean green hydrogen, renewable sources, electric, and microgrid.

Emission by industry.JPG

According to the latest McKinsey report净零过渡,在2021 - 2050年实体资产的能源和土地使用系统之间的净零过渡中的资本支出将达到约275万亿美元;平均每年9.2万亿美元。其核算能源相关的排放量占二氧化碳排放量的83% - 发电和行业是二氧化碳排放主要部分(数据展览I和II)。While the transition creates opportunities across the sectors, the high emitters would face substantial repercussions on demand, production cost, and employment. For example, the steel and cement industry would face an increase of about 30-40% in production cost by 2050. In opposition, it’s stated that low-carbon product and support services would expand, with the demand for electricity expected to raise more than double by 2050.

Share of emissions1 per energy and land-use system, 2019 %.JPG


可持续性努力的执行为组织带来了将气候变化倡议纳入业务运营模式的重要机会 - 通过战略,供应链,金融,资本计划和客户。从根本上讲,有必要了解温室气体协议:

  • 范围1:由直接或签约来源产生的排放。
  • Scope 2: emissions resulting from indirect source of purchased energy.
  • 范围3:所有产生的排放间接开放ration that occur in the value chain of the organization (both upstream and downstream emissions).

This will drive the taxonomies for goal setting and determining KPIs for reporting and monitoring the decarbonization journey. This requires data capture from the value chain, which is complex and presents a challenge for many organizations across different industries. Currently, many organizations are somewhat mature with managing financial data on a connected platform — this is not the case for sustainability data. Finally, it comes down to the internal information management systems to capture every piece of the puzzle (data points) to regularly monitor, measure, plan, and report.

You cannot change something if you cannot measure it. This is where organizations will now have to investigate more than ever for real-time data to make decisions. Plan not just with the short-term horizon but with long-term. It’s not about just going through budget cycles, it is about measuring performance to deliver set goals and at the same time keeping check on the cost position with data becoming the biggest asset and central focus.

Plan by connecting all areas of an organization by breaking down siloed systems. Keep everyone aligned to the same goals, assumptions, and rules to accelerate business values and enable decision-making on a single cloud platform.




Since the solution is on the cloud, the scalability of the platform and creation of models becomes highly seamless and connects to enterprise for any number of users. Before an organization becomes mature with the decarbonization of business, it is recommended to consider key aspects of planning solutions to tackle future business decision-making.以下连接的计划蜂窝显亚博vip反水示了连接的脱砂生态系统的外观,将所有关键组件汇总在一起。

Emission Connected Planning Models.JPG

Roadmap: Takeaways for impactful initiatives

  • Understand the overall business decarbonization strategy with timelines.
  • Conduct a review of the planning model and identify key operational energy drivers.
  • Based on the strategy, work with business functions to articulate key performance metrics.
  • 确定决策过程并制定治理。
  • 绘制所有数据源,并计划使用现有数据治理来构建数据集市(数据中心)。
  • 定义通用数据定义和业务规则。(不仅为了问责制,而且这也有助于报告。)
  • Start small with a simple business case.
  • 解决业务案例的业务问题:我们现在在哪里,我们期望获得什么结果,我们想要实现什么以及如何到达那里。
  • Finally, develop a vision for user experience. This is key from the get-go to communicate results and reporting to the leadership team, operations, and other stakeholders.
