Occasional Contributor

Planning complexity in manufacturing and order fulfillment stems from the attempt to “fit” forecasted demand with available production machines while hoping to leverage an algorithm that will provide the best “bang for the buck.” This algorithm normally incorporates Level 2 production machine metrics like run-rate, machine efficiency, and scrap rate to achieve an optimal mix. However, disparate operating schedules across plants, outages, availability, and lead-times of required packaging material, as well as dependent (i.e. tolling) external processes can make the creation of reliable, time-phased production schedules challenging.



随着全球化的增加和市场的不断减少,供应链将变得越来越复杂,并且随着over 60 percent of companies currently considering Excel as their supply chain system,如果许多公司不开始利用计划工具和云解决方案,那么许多公司将被抛在后面。功能孤岛计划的日子已经一去不复返了,只是寻求最大程度地减少成本。为了保持竞争力,公司需要采用更多的协作流程,包括跨职能,基于计划的互动以及客户需求推动战略决策的外部合作伙伴集成。亚博vip反水

虽然流程改进是一个令人钦佩的目标,但实现一个成熟,竞争性的供应链还需要一种技术解决方案,该解决方案可以完全支持业务流程而不将用户限制为开箱即用的解决方案,尤其是限制计划者或迫使组织来限制组织的解决方案为永远不会使用的许多不必要的功能付费。Anaplan是帮助组织迎来真正联系的计划和技术竞争优势的新一天的理想工具。亚博vip反水它允许组织构建多个应用程序(应用程序), or models, that support varied business planning processes from supply chain to financial planning, sales and marketing, and IT.

支持ing Business Processes with Anaplan

Organizations with mature planning processes, in our case the fictional ACME & Co., will begin with a consensus forecast generated via collaborative meetings and cross-functional Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) sessions involving sales, marketing, finance, and operations. The final forecast, including assumptions and notes from each department, is maintained in Anaplan for access to real-time changes and updates visible to everyone involved in the planning process. This forecast is then ‘married’ with open sales orders in the production planning model, used daily by production planners.

Using a customizable, dynamic algorithm, we’ve developed the Anaplan “backend” to compare forecasted weekly volume with actual sales order data and to choose the greater of the two. It also accounts for on-hand inventory, including safety stock, and WIP as it determines and prioritizes the true production requirement. The production planner can flex demand figures against available machines and run what-if scenarios to create multiple, comparable versions of the Anaplan-generated production schedule based on current conditions outlined above. Because it always uses real-time data, the production schedule can be run and published as frequently as is required by the business.


Organizations can perform true modeling and scenario planning by leveraging Anaplan’s capability to create and recommend production schedules by analyzing resource availability and capacity and demand. Anaplan arrives at a different “best fit” according to resource availability, including displaying an “overcapacity” error if demand exceeds capacity.


Detailed Design View — Production Planning Solution

The Anaplan model developed for ACME & Co. has three main components:

  • Data Hubintegrated with an enterprise ERP system to be used as the source of truth for sales and production data.
  • 销售计划带有销售订单以及客户和生产分销的仪表板。
  • Production planningdashboards to be used as the core function of the application.




Machine and Product Setup and Analytics

This dashboard displays product and machine compatibility and dependence, also known as “fitting,” since not every product can be produced on every machine. It also visually indicates portions of the algorithm that consider machine run-rate and efficiency, scrap percentage and mold limit per run as it determines at the best-fit.



This dashboard sums the fitting analysis from the previous dashboard and compares capacity, including visibility to excess capacity, to planned production (output).


Production Schedules

Planners can use this dashboard to indicate machine uptime/status and create a printable/exportable production schedule. The Anaplan generated production schedule is determined heavily by planner indication of resources being up (running) or down (outage).


Production Planning Model Demonstration



供应商的多元化和外包意味着越来越复杂的电子表格需要数小时的操纵才能获得仅考虑二维数据和线性建模的表面解决方案。但是,Anaplan允许通过来自供应链网络的实时数据进行多维建模,从而为计划者提供了可行的见解,使他们能够在几分钟内分析多个如果情况。如您所见,Akili Acme&Co。生产计划模型展示了场景计划和内部部门和外部合作伙伴的数据可见性的实用性。


Dyci Sfregola is a supply chain consultant at Akili. She holds an APICS Certifieddyci_sfregola_.jpgSupply Chain Professional (CSCP) certification and has been in consulting for five years. Her experience is in supply chain process improvement, digital transformation and change management primarily focused on external partner integration and collaboration, sales and operations planning, demand planning, inventory control and management, and logistics.

Anaplan的黄金级实施合作伙伴Akili是协助组织长期发展计划和流程改进的理想公司。有关生产计划模型的更多信息或安排完整模型的演示,请联系Sean Granfield。在Akili,我们的财务计划与分析(FP&A)和供应链专业知识使我们属于Anaplan合作伙伴,不仅能够开发和配置Anaplan模型的技术方面,而且还可以通过业务流程改进来指导我们使他们能够弥合职能领域和外部合作伙伴关系之间的差距,创建由云解决方案支持的真实销售和运营计划(S&OP)流程,该过程为连接的计划赋予了新的含义。亚博vip反水

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