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规划是一个典型的生活的一部分。是否you're building out a project at work or planning a wedding, the same tools and skills can be applied.

However, too often we avoid letting our personal and work lives cross; we dismiss the structure we put in place at work and opt for a looser (and less efficient) planning process in our personal lives. It’s time to shake off the notion that work and personal tools can’t be used interchangeably.

为了instance, if there was a big sports game coming up and you wanted to plan the ultimate party, a lot of Connected Planning would need to go into making it a success. Don’t believe us? Let's put ourAnaplan Way methodologyto the test to showcase how to plan the ultimate party using tools and skills that you would use at work:


All great plans have to start somewhere! In the first phase, you’ll think through and outline different aspects of your party as well as the big picture (overall party). Try breaking it up by first making a list of everything you want to have at your party, then categorize each item (try using: food, activities, etc.). While we want to be sure to focus time on realistic plans, don’t be afraid to have a little fun with it. For example, wish you could have your favorite quarterback greeting guests? Why not grab a cardboard cutout (since you probably won’t get the real thing)? A similar (and fun) effect without the high cost!

小费:Feeling a little uninspired? Take a break andlearn from the Party Planning Committeehow not to plan a party.



为了项目计划,,,,您将绘制出适当的要求,以确保您的聚会触地得分。你也会创建宣言to help keep your party on the right track. A manifesto is a statement that explains what success will look like for your project or party. When writing your manifesto try answering the question “what would a successful party look like for my guests” —which could be as simple as entertaining people and having fun! When planning starts to feel overwhelming, it’s good to use your manifesto as an anchor and not lose sight of the goal.

Withinsprint planning,,,,首先,您将收集用户故事(在商业世界中,用户故事是一种确定产品或服务的每个用户最终将最终从中确定的方式)。考虑到每个年龄段的“用户故事”,并问自己,他们将需要什么才能使聚会成功。亚搏彩票手机版免费下载在父母观看游戏时,什么会让孩子们被占领?挑食者有足够的食物选择吗?对于不感兴趣观看游戏的人们来说,娱乐和空间呢?你明白了!接下来,您将为从用户故事中确定的每个项目绘制优先级级别,并开始构建短跑。

小费:不要害怕与家人,朋友和邻居一起众包您的用户故事想法 - 您可以获得越好的见解!


marten-bjork-623843-unsplash.jpgLet's get down to business! Time to break out your user stories and task list into sprints and start implementing! Divide your user stories and tasks based on priority级别,它们与您的宣言之间的关系如何,以及要完成的努力水平。下一个,put timelines to your sprints;冲刺是专门用于完成某些任务的特定时间。在您的冲刺中,应首先完成冲刺一号和第二个桶装的任何物品(将其视为您的最高优先任务 - 如果没有他们,聚会就不会成功),然后将Sprint列出三个和四个(您的尼斯(您)应该执行任务),依此类推。从冲刺开始的一秒钟和第二次开始,将确保您首先获得最高优先级和最困难的任务。

尝试制作冲刺your shopping sprint – use this time to pick up all of your ingredients and decorations. In冲刺二,您可以专注于烹饪,并记住像型号一样,您想在烹饪时清理时,这样,您就不必花四个冲刺四个尝试清洁。冲刺三可以保留用于设置;现在,您可以找到理想的装饰场所,也可以找到所有座位的最佳地点!这也是停下来的好时机,看看您是否可能缺少任何东西。利用sprint fourfor clean-up and follow up on any dishes, decorations, or games some of your guests may be bringing.






sofiya-levchenko-165628-unsplash.jpg是聚会时间!您整个星期都在努力,计划和测试所有内容,因此您的聚会正是您想要的方式,而是在您前门的Gronk Cutout问候人们。您的邀请(即沟通计划)已经消失了,您的食物被标记为(文档 - 检查!),并且您的发电机可以在电源熄灭时可以提供帮助(实时备份支持站立)。

小费:有时部署并不总是按预期进行,请记住(就像Anaplan一样)您是敏捷的!因此,如果您的邻居沙龙(Sharon)不请自来,您就会得到这个 - 将敏捷的自我投入测试,并分享您为“以防万一”的人那里获得的额外用品。


