作为Anaplan(AOA)团队Anaplan上的业务运营经理-an internal team, focused on bringing Connected Planning to life within Anaplan—I help to oversee our internal Anaplan model ecosystem and assist in the solutioning and development of Anaplan models across all of our functional business groups.

作为Anaplan最大的客户,我们必须解决的众多要求之一是用户访问和安全性。利用Anaplan的用户角色功能通常可以完成工作,以授予用户访问特定模型。有时,我们必须进一步走一步,并利用Anaplan的selective access特征。角色和选择性访问是强大的工具,并且几乎所有时间都满足我们的需求。但是,随着我们扩展自己对Anaplan的使用,我们已经开始遇到需要根据多个标准来提供用户访问列表的访问,而不仅仅是单个条件。


A real-life user provisioning challenge we’ve encountered is in our headcount planning model. As this model provides real-time reporting on our employees, there are inherent sensitivities and considerations around who can see information for specific employees—taking into consideration visibility to things like compensation and personally identifiable information (PII). We have multiple use cases built out within the model, including recruiting capacity and analysis, attrition reporting, hiring reporting, etc., and the access to specific employee data depends on the end user of the model.

Eluid样本雇员名单:乔伊管理博尔特,and Meb; Americas Geo; HR Cost Center.Eluid样本雇员名单:乔伊管理博尔特,and Meb; Americas Geo; HR Cost Center.


But wait! If the HR business partner is in Europe, they shouldn’t be able to see PII fields for their employees. Do you see how this could get complicated quickly? Additionally, some dashboards that contain non-sensitive employee information are perfectly fine to open up broadly to all users, while others contain sensitive data we need to provision.


So, how do we handle this? We can’t provision access by roles because all of the aforementioned users need access to the same modules/dashboards as it relates to the employees they manage. Additionally, no single user should be able to see all data for all employees. Selective access could be considered as a solution, but given the levels of complexity and multiple logical drivers—as well as the requirement to not hide reporting of non-sensitive data for employees—that option also has limitations.

Enter动态单元访问(DCA)。由于DCA允许我们以公式逻辑为基础读取/写入访问,因此它使我们能够在决定是否应该能够在列表中的特定项目上读取或写入多个逻辑上的层层。这是动态的(谁会想到这个名字?), which means it adjusts live as data within the model changes. Additionally, it offers us the flexibility to apply the provisioning logic to the exact modules we want to, rather than blanket provision users across the model.

DCA In Action


  1. 将员工名册数据加载到Anaplan, ensuring the data contains the employee email—the same email that is used to log in to Anaplan. This allows for the mapping of Anaplan users to the employee roster.
  2. 设置系统模块with the ‘applies-to’ list of the user list.
    User meta-data staging module: Rows represent model users (Joey, in this example) and the line items represent meta-data off of the roster module.User meta-data staging module: Rows represent model users (Joey, in this example) and the line items represent meta-data off of the roster module.
    1. Within this module, we can join the employee roster data and the user list to map the employee’s meta-data to their Anaplan user profile (e.g. cost center, location, management chain, etc.)
    2. 使用一系列布尔式订单项,我们可以编写我们想要基于DCA的任何逻辑。在我们的示例中,这可能包括:人力资源业务合作伙伴吗?是欧元吗?基本上,这是我们想要利用的所有员工元数据来创建DCA驱动程序的登台模块。
  3. 设置第二个系统模块with the ‘applies-to’ list of whatever list you want to apply DCA against, as well as the user list. In our case, this would also be our employee roster list.
    1. 创建一系列布尔人订单项,测试我们刚刚与员工的元数据设置的用户系统模块的不同属性。一个例子是(员工成本中心=用户成本中心)。
    2. Daisy chain your conditions together as desired, with the end result being a master Boolean line item, which is the driver for whether or not a particular user has read or write access to a particular item within the list.
      In this dashboard you can see that the information is masked for those employees that did not meet all of the criteria identified in the master DCA line item.In this dashboard you can see that the information is masked for those employees that did not meet all of the criteria identified in the master DCA line item.
  4. 选择要应用DCA的模块。关于DCA的好处是,您可以转到订单项级别以绘制主布尔驱动程序的映射。




The content in this article has not been evaluated for all Anaplan implementations and may not be recommended for your specific situation.



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‎02-08-202212:11 PM
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