We know that2.02-04 Text Stringsare bad for Anaplan models and that text functions and formulas using text are the slowest (slow in comparison to similarly-sized numeric formulas). One of the biggest contributing factors to the poor performance of text is the impact on the memory used by Anaplan.

按细胞类型进行性能成本按细胞类型进行性能成本Memory Use by Cell TypeMemory Use by Cell Type

本文将查看将文本连接在一起的内存和创建的内存 - 文本串联。
If we look at a simple text concatenation that joins the codes from three lists to create a unique ID, here's the formula:

CODE(ITEM(Product)) & "_" & CODE(ITEM(SKU)) & "_" & CODE(ITEM(Location))


This means we are doing four text additions 2 million times, and consequently, Anaplan is creating and throwing away millions of temporary strings in memory as it processes the formula.


公式将首先检索产品代码”123" and append an underscore to this text to create the first part of this string. The formula then retrieves the SKU code and appends that to the new part, creating another piece of text in memory. The first two bits of text we had in memory, "123" and "_", will be discarded and the memory will be cleared. We now have a new bit of text in memory "123_4567" and the previous parts can be discarded, 8 bytes in this case. This continues as the string is built up, new parts are created in memory and added to the previous parts to grow the string, the previous parts are then discarded and the memory cleared.



When there is a lot of this memory allocation happening at a fast rate, the processes of clearing up memory for the next calculations can cause delays, and in some circumstances "out of memory" errors. The process of memory clearing is known as "garbage collection", it will stop Anaplan and delay calculations while it is happening.

The charts below show memory use as concatenation increases, for all the chartsX轴是串联的数量“&”,1至90。


Memory Used by TextMemory Used by Text

The graph above shows the actual memory used by the text line item; at 70 concatenations the memory from text has surpassed the predicted model memory size of 704Mb, from this point on the model will be using more memory than expected. As the concatenation increases the memory needed increases as the length of the text created grows, the length of each part of the text will also contribute to memory use; this example used numbers that varied from 1 to 4 digits, so quite short compared to the most text found in models.

As discussed above, the memory discarded in building the strings will also increase and to a much greater amount, the formula will create and discard a lot more memory than the final result.

Model Open TimeModel Open Time


Similar effects are seen as cell count grows or text length increases, the larger the amounts of memory used and discarded the longer they take.

This performance hit would also apply to any calculations affecting this line item in the model. If a user added a new SKU to the list then the code would need to recalculate the whole code overall 2 million cells.

Average Length of TextAverage Length of Text

The final chart just ties into the first in showing the linear growth of the text as concatenation increases. This is the average length of text across all cells (2 million in this test).

Avoiding Memory Problems With Concatenation

This is covered by Planual rule2.02-05创建最小层次结构的“连接”
Using our example formula above this would mean doing the following:

Formula Applies To 细胞计数
文本1=代码(item(product))&“ _” 产品 100
text2= "_" & CODE(ITEM(Location)) Location 10
text3= CODE(ITEM(SKU)) & Text2 SKU, Location 20,000
UniqueCode= Text1 & Text3 产品,SKU,位置 2,,,,000,000

This shows how we can do just one concatenation at the full cell count; the bulk of the work is done at the lowest cell counts possible to minimize the performance and memory impact we discussed above. The extra text created is an impact on the model size but is a good trade-off for the increased performance and reduced memory use. This also has the benefit of separating the individual calculations, meaning that if we use the previous example of someone adding an SKU then Text1 and Text2 would not need to be recalculated, reducing the number of calculations needed to achieve the same result; this is Planual rule2.02-18分手公式

Let's look at some calculation timings for this formula optimization:

The original formula doing four concatenations took1,,,,089ms to calculate, and the model open took 0.19s. The model open for the optimized model was 0.07s. The model open time is reduced by 63%—the calculation cost is reduced by 68%.

UniqueCode 349.0ms
text3 3.542ms
文本1 0.108ms
text2 0.060ms


"_" & CODE(ITEM(Location)) & "_"


另外,请注意,代码(item(item(item))公式应在系统模块中并引用,您甚至可以创建一个单元订单项来引用“ _”。

在可能的情况下,需要将文本保持在最低限度,并且订单项还应将串联保持在最低限度。我建议,如果您有五个以上的串联,请考虑为什么需要此文本,并且可以通过替代建模来实现。When using text for "error" messages, try to use booleans as well as list members for the error text for example.


The content in this article has not been evaluated for all Anaplan implementations and may not be recommended for your specific situation.
Please consult your internal administrators prior to applying any of the ideas or steps in this article.

Many clients / novice model builders are sure that Anaplan works quickly and online anyway. Therefore, they are not very fond of following such recommendations. But charts and studies on the opening times of the model are a very strong argument.

Thank You, Mark!




这真太了不起了@MarkWarren! Love the detailed breakdown that shows visually the impact text strings can have.


我还想提高一点manipu文本lation using functions like LEFT, MID etc. These also behave in a similar way to that described above in that they have a large impact on memory, creating and throwing away a lot of memory as they calculate, which leads to poor performance and can lead to memory problems at large scale.


I'll forward this article to all my "poor string performance deniers":slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks Mark, Very insightful article!


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‎04-21-202112:51 PM
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