Occasional Contributor

YTD and YTG returning zero


I'm trying to calculate YTD actual revenue, and YTG budget revenue but they are returning zero.

For example: this returns zero -

module.Revenue'[SELECT: VERSIONS.Actual, SELECT: TIME.YTD, SELECT: Products.X]

This statement works when I replace TIME.YTD with TIME.'current period', so the issue just relates to TIME.YTD.

The calendar for the line item is set to a current year time range, with YTD and YTG enabled.

I have the same issue with YTG budget.

Anyone have any thoughts?!




Re: YTD and YTG returning zero

@ddevineHave you checked your summary methods on the revenue line item? Based on what you described, the summary method could be off and when you do a select, you're looking at the built in summary of that line item and not calculating on the fly.

Here is a helpful Anapedia article on this:https://help.anaplan.com/b3e0589c-8a5d-4ac3-afa4-1377d1224b85-Calculation-Functions-%E2%80%93-intera...

Occasional Contributor

Re: YTD and YTG returning zero

Thanks Trentb

I found the issue, the time range of the two source data modules didn't employ YTD and YTG.

So I applied a new time range to those and now my own module is working.

So the chain of data is coming from the source data module A, into module B which applied more dimensions, into my module C. The summary type in my module is Sum.

Thanks for your help.

