New Contributor

Level 1 Exam

Role not pulling through correctly when importing into the SYS08 Module.

I have changes the format to text and to role but it's still not working.

Please someone help an amateur anaplanner out!

New Contributor

I believe this could be to due to me categorising Role wrong in a lists but do not know where to put it and can't seem to put it in lists as a standalone like sizes.

I think i have updated the formulas correctly further down the line in the exam but now the formulas are crashing due to this role issue.

Somebody help please!

Frequent Contributor


没有技术上的位置列表matter, but it's good to have it among other related lists (employee lists in this case). Easier to find.

Is your "Role" list populated or is it empty?



New Contributor

Hi@JussiLi, thanks for coming back to me.

I thought that the case with lists too but when i enter my formula i get the following message (part of message removed)

Invalid formula: Role hierarchy is not possible as Role does not have a built-in top level

But unable to build in a top level into this list

Thanks again

Frequent Contributor


Problem can exist somewhere else as well, but let's check "Role" list first. Role list doesn't have parent hierarchy, but it should have Top level. (More information about Top level item and Parent hierarchyhttps://community.anaplan.com/t5/Best-Practices/Top-Level-Item-and-Parent-Hierarchy/ta-p/56249).

Top level should have been automatically created when list was updated from Role.csv file. The file contains fields: role, parent and code.





Ah, the dreaded top level error.

Make sure you roles list has a top level, in this case "All Roles". Easy to miss.

Keep going! You're almost done!!


Jared Dolich


In addition to@JaredDolichreply, Please follow the below steps for you to get the correct role mapping to employees using roles list.

1. Assuming you've added Roles list and entered "All Roles" under Top level column -> Import Roles.csv file to get roles list items with corresponding codes.

2. Go to SYS08 Employee Details module -> Add a line item named Role and format it with Roles list shown in the below snapshot,

pic 1.png

3. Go to grid view -> Data-> Import Employee details by Role.txt file and do the mapping in below manner(highlighted in black)

Pic 2.png

4. #E2 employees should automatically get mapped using the code and then SYS08 Employee Details Line items tab should be mapped to 'Role' line item in below manner,

Pic 3.png

5. Run import. You'll see all the employees getting correctly mapped to their corresponding roles.

Hope this clarifies your doubt.

