
Anna Miller

Product Marketing Manager

What happens to “planning on the go” when people aren’t going anywhere? In this blog, we take a look at the path to mobile planning, how mobile trends and technology changed over the past year, and where its future is headed.


This question comes up in customer conversations a lot and the answer, it turns out, might just surprise you. Let’s take a look at the path to mobile planning, how mobile trends and technology changed over the past year, and where its future is headed.



Mobile planning is an extension of connected, conversational, and collaborative planning. It’s one of many tools business leaders have to treat enterprise planning like a team sport. We’ve previously exploredparallels between enterprise planning and weak-link sportssuch as American soccer. Like soccer, planning requires participation from and between everyone across the enterprise—or team, so to speak.


It’s easy to see that the well of mobile planning runs deep and wide. Not only does it offer planners immediate access to data, but it gives them more ways to contribute on the go and in real time. More importantly, it lets them update plans during the moments most convenient for them.


The pandemic forced leaders and teams to shift from planning in offices and on the go to planning remotely at home. Despite being stuck at home with readily available laptops and home offices, recent trends reveal that mobile usage continued to grow—a lot. By the end of last year, people haddownloaded 218 billion apps, consumer spending in app stores reached $143 billion,和average American checked their phone every 12 minutes.

Mobile planning apps were no exception to these trends. Since last year, Anaplan mobile app usage has increased 141% and more Anaplan customers have stayed connected within the planning process than ever before.

One reason why more people are relying on mobile planning apps is convenience. For a lot of folks, “on the go” no longer means a morning commute into the city or a late-evening check-in after dinner. Planning on the go has become check-ins in between their kids’ Zoom classes, quick catch ups during nap times, and spontaneous conversations with coworkers throughout the very non-traditional workday.

Staying connected in moments of need

In times of overwhelming responsibilities, mobile apps give people more ways to balance their professional priorities with their personal lives. Mobile apps alert people to moments of need and help them stay connected when it matters most. In enterprise planning solutions, multi-device features such astagging, commenting, and push notificationslet people know right when a priority action item is waiting for them.

For example, a corporate finance analyst can comment on a specific KPI, tag in an HR colleague who needs visibility, and trigger an action for their manager—sending them both a mobile notification that takes them exactly where their attention is needed in the mobile app. Capabilities like barcode scanners also make it simple and easy for planners to enter numerical data from their phone quickly.

Integrations between different mobile apps give users even更多合作方式. Collaboration tools like the Slack app make it easy to communicate with coworkers, which can be another way to plan effectively across cross-functional teams. The Anaplan Slackbot, for example, lets planners receive notifications and pages from coworkers directly over Slack messages instead of parsing through multiple emails.

What the future of mobile planning looks like


移动plann的未来ing expands on these trends with even more intuitive, user-friendly capabilities. Think: automated, conversational collaboration features; visually impactful dashboards and clearly defined KPIs; and user-friendly, customizable widgets that refresh with real-time planning data and performance metrics.


Curious about what makes Anaplan’s user experience unlike any other? Watch this 90-second video for an inside look at the platform’s easy-to-use interface.

Watch the video