
The Future of Retail: One-stop shopping as the status quo




As we explore the landscape of the future for retailers, there are several key areas retailers need to identify, understand, and address to stay competitive in the next eight years. In the previous blog of the Future of Retail 2030 series, we took a broad look at the conditions retailers need to prepare for in 2030. Many retailers are unprepared today and will be left behind if they don’t catch up. What should retailers do to drive growth and protect margin in a world of omni-渠道交付?

In this, the second blog in our series, we will focus on consumers’ interest in one-stop-shopping, and how retailers need to adapt to survive in the future of business 2030.


The retail landscape today is vastly different from even 10 years ago, and without catching up, retailers have no chance of surviving next year, let alone in 2030. There are multiple factors impacting both market conditions and success, and one of the most important is the evolving consumer. They’re not the same group of past traditional shoppers, from demographics to habits.

与规范最明显的分歧之一是客户迅速采用新的零售趋势,从而使购物体验降低或疲惫不堪。根据NRF research in 2020,,,,93%的被调查消费者表示,“他们更有可能根据便利选择在特定零售商中购物”。


Today’s consumer has more options than ever before. With this vast market providing competing price points, varying fulfillment speeds, and huge breadth of product offerings, retailers with the ability to provide the best of everything are at a major advantage over thosewhose products are更多的利基。随着越来越多的零售商将其库存扩展到包括更多类别,一站式购物的吸引力将继续增长。


COVID-19完全颠覆了消费者寻求while shopping. Clean carts, full shelves, and ability to shop quickly in one place are now requirements rather than pleasant surprises. In a world where customers want to minimize their exposure to strangers, a one-stop shop is deeply appealing due to its promise of only one place to wander rather than a combination of various storeS’清洁标准和多组人群。考虑到节俭时期的汽油价格波动,提供全面购物体验的商店显然是一个明显的优势。




消费者拥有的购买选择要比当今简单的实体措施多。电子商务正在迅速增长。Statistaforecasts2021 United States e-commerce sales to amount to $429.2 million, and in 2025, sales will reach $563.4 million.



消费者的耐心很低。根据A的说法report by eFullfilment Service

根据Raydiant,,,,as of May 2021, 74.5% of shoppers used buy-online, pick-up in-store (BOPIS). What drives this consumer decision? BOPIS combines the convenience and safety of shopping from home while delivering extremely fast fulfillment, as evidenced by multiple one-stop retailers’ fast-turn promises, likeTarget’s standard two-hour readiness window


Competing in the one-stop-shop future of retail




Even though consumers are choosing to prioritize convenience, their purchasing decisions are still highly dependent on cost. In the next blog of the Future of Retail 2030 series, we’ll look at how affordability impacts retailers’ ability to balance margins and stay profitable, especially during times of market volatility. With quick and frequent fluctuations in consumer confidence, retailers need to be more resilient and more prescient as they navigate the next 10 years.

