6 min read

在Anaplan Hub 2018中获得个人

弗雷德·桑德(Fred Sandsmark)


在未来的示威活动之间fast-paced discussion panels,awards presentations这是一个令人难以置信的闭幕派对,Anaplan Hub 2018的第三天很大,有时是嘈杂的,偶尔对于在拉斯维加斯的1,400人来说是浮华的。但是对我来说 - 我怀疑,许多其他参加会议的人 - 最鼓舞人心和共鸣的时刻是在星期三下午两个人之间进行简单的对话。

The two people were Frank Calderoni, Anaplan’s President and CEO, who has guided the company for the last year; and Michael Gould, the company’s brilliant yet humble founder who literally started the company在约克的谷仓里。Frank summed up Michael’s importance this way: “We would not be sitting on this stage, and having everyone in this room today, without what you did.”


  • How can we best move forward?Companies often know that they are just scratching the surface of the Anaplan platform’s capabilities, and are hungry for advice and guidance on how to tap into that deeper power.
  • We need to involve more people.Customers realize that the more people who participate in planning, the more useful and powerful the planning process can be. Michael said that innovations like Anaplan’s newWorkflowcapability and user interface improvements will help to democratize planning.
  • How can we address complexity?Large organizations have tremendously diverse planning processes that require governance and flexibility depending on unique circumstances. “There’s a lot of complex logic in there,” Michael noted. “The great news is that they have a tool that is designed to deal with complex logic.”
  • Can we move faster?从后台开始,迈克尔听到一位客户吹嘘在七分钟内将370万笔交易加载到Anaplan。观众鼓掌,但是当迈克尔上台时,他大声想知道为什么花了这么长时间。然后,他描述了Anaplan的工作工程和产品组to improve performance and scalability of the core modeling engine, noting that those teams will triple in size over two years.




金融:The closing session of Anaplan Hub centered around the art of possibility, a topic not only at the heart of connected planning, but one that resonates deeply with finance leaders as well. Throughout the finance track, the notion of possibility—a blank canvas inviting innovation, flexibility, and creativity—emerged from session after session as inspiration for achieving true financial transformation. Speakers from Beam Suntory, Micro Focus International, American Tire Distributors, Cerner Corporation, Zalora, Fresenius Medical Care, and Israel Chemical Limited enthusiastically shared FP&A best practices and project roadmaps, valuable insight and lessons learned, and an outlook of what the future has in store, describing possibilities and achievements that were once unobtainable but are now a reality with the Anaplan platform. —安娜·米勒

销售量:分组会议的第二天保持专注on how companies are taking a streamlined and centralized approach to their incentive compensation management (ICM) processes. We heard even more about the cultural changes these transformations produce: TELUS described how their new compensation system encourages call center employees to act as “dolphins” (collaborative and friendly) rather than “sharks” (individualistic and aggressive), Criteo explained how reps in different regions feel connected to the company’s mission, and Travelex showed how Anaplan helped the company implement gamification globally. Rebecca Riley, Head of Reward, Payroll, and Human Resources Technology at Travelex, said sales reps can “log in, see how they’re doing, and lay down that smack-talk.” It’s noteworthy that that companies reap a host of soft benefits that improve morale when they adopt Anaplan for ICM or sales forecasting. By doing a better job of managing compensation plans, companies make their employees happier, more engaged, and more committed to the companies’ goals. —Ben Lempert

Supply chain:Wednesday’s sessions explored the themes of saving time, increasing efficiency, and looking to the future. We heard the story of how Coca-Cola once had to wrangle multiple, 600-tab spreadsheets to manage a complex innovation forecasting process, according to Sara Park, Director of the company’s Forecasting Center of Excellence. No more, now that she and her team are managing the process with Anaplan, which they implemented in only 12 weeks. Sid Powar and Darrin Siebel of DISH Network told the story of eliminating 6,000 person-hours of non-value-adding activities per year from their supply chain planning, freeing up their planners to focus on strategic work. And Lora Cecere, founder ofSupply Chain Insights, encouraged attendees to propel their supply chain planning into a future shaped by predictive, prescriptive, and eventually cognitive insights. —耶利米巴巴

亚博vip反水互联计划:Anaplan中心的第三天增强了敏捷性的重要性,并减少了计划和执行之间的延迟。Anaplan销售战略高级总监Ara Gopal表示,随着公司面临更高的利润和更高的执行赌注,敏捷性将是成功的关键。亚搏彩票手机版免费下载In one session, Rommel T. Samson, AVP of Corporate Financial Planning and Systems at Unilab told the story of how a team led by the CFO and head of FP&A chose Anaplan as the company’s core “planning platform of choice” to bring clarity and transparency to the财务预测以及跨越供应链,人力资源,IT和营销的整合运营计划活动。在Anaplan领导的会议中,与会者学会了如何利用互联的计划格局,围绕Anaplan用户采用的领导实践,以及动态,协作和智能的亚博vip反水联系计划平台如何提供实际的业务价值。-Cameron Soojian

Recordings of most Hub general sessions areavailable now for replay。许多突破性会话录音将很快在同一网站上提供,因此请添加书签并查看。


See replays from Hub 2018
