

理查德·巴雷特(Richard Barrett)


据说,只需“保持照明灯” - 运行和维护旧系统,将其升级到最新版本的旧版系统,并通过螺栓上的新用户界面来保持其外观可接受的业务 - 据说可以消耗70%的公司IT预算,而离开投资于推动增长并提高底线的创新仅30%。在当前的气候下,大多数企业领导者都渴望增加营业利润率,并希望将这种平衡转向50/50分。

这些发现来自它的支出和返回:更深入的探索透明研究由财务总监进行研究和AlixPartners,in which 150 senior finance executives across North America were surveyed. Half of these executives do not believe their companies are getting value from what, for many of them, have been considerable IT investments over recent years; in addition, they said they were frustrated at not getting the key insights from IT to enable them to improve their financial performance. So what needs to be done?


Respondents report a number of key blockages holding back progress:

  • Poor visibility into how the IT budget is split between maintenance and innovation for growth. This is something that can only be fixed by implementing IT services costing to map line items in the IT budget to applications and end users, but let’s park that issue for now.
  • A lack of analytical skills in both Finance and IT teams to drive the business forward.Personally I have difficulty reconciling this reported lack of talent that keeps being listed as a concern of CFOs and finance leaders with the fact that most companies seem to be awash with highly qualified people who are amassing professional development credits at every opportunity. In an attempt to reconcile this seeming contradiction, I have come to interpret such comments as meaning that they lack people with ‘commercial nous’ – streetwise folk who are aware of internal and external factors influencing their company and who can quickly get to the bottom of issues and come up with practical solutions to improve business performance. If that’s the case, then CFOs need to expose their people to ever more challenging business issues and continually mentor them to help close the gap.
  • 最后,影响决策的个人政治。现在,尽管几乎每一条业务领导者通常都声称其珍贵的应用程序至关重要,并且必须获得最佳的支持水平,但领导者本身具有既得利益,可以维持对外包或云计算等威胁的现状,最终减少公司IT部门的规模。


Now simply moving legacy systems into the cloud has the potential to reduce the proportion of IT budgets spent on ‘keeping the lights on’ at a stroke. However, many boardrooms are said to “nervous透明at the idea. To me this is somewhat duplicitous as many companies already hold some of their most valuable data, about their customers and their staff, in the cloud and have happily processed payments and banking on-line for decades. So what’s behind their hang-up exactly? Well my guess is few board members do their own research and most are selectively spoon-fed the information that shapes their views by their very own corporate IT folk.(称我为愤世嫉俗,但正如我上周向前一家提出的那样,自然而然地,您对应对的失望却减少了)。

但是,没有人能无限期地坚持进步的进步,并且有迹象表明,CIO本身正在越来越拥抱云 - 随着火车加速行驶时,将火车拖到火车上。最近出版的民意调查commissioned by UK-based Capital IT Services found that almost two-thirds (61%) believe increasing innovation and the business’ commercial agility is now one of their organization’s highest priorities and the majority were in the process of moving, into the cloud, citing simplification and flexibility as the main drivers. Naturally, you couldn’t expect them to change their colours overnight and most identify perceived pitfalls that they need to address before making big investments in the cloud. These include:

  • 说服他们的紧张和抵抗板,云采用是公司的最佳举措. That’s easy; show them some of the case studies of successful customer migrations, give them facts that cloud providers have security standards that are way beyond those most companies have themselves and that hacking on-premise systems is probably much more common that anyone suspects as it is rarely reported to the outside world. Click这里要了解有关Anaplan支撑的安全性,数据加密,身份验证协议和鲁棒访问控制的更多信息。
  • 必须处理整合最初不考虑的其他数据源的隐藏成本。好吧,这听起来像是对历史上不良的范围的承认!只要在要求中确定了这些数据源,Anaplan对于公共云集成平台的预建连接器,例如Snaplogic,这意味着您可以轻松地与外部数据库,本地应用程序和主要遗产ERP系统连接,并预先确定所有费用。

纠正上述某些错误信息至关重要,因为强大的技术正在为云建造,并为公司提供了机会,可以解决一个非常普遍的问题,即为企业用户提供更好地了解其财务和非财务绩效的问题。目前分析师组IDC估计目前只有5%的企业绩效管理(EPM)在云中完成,而销售部队自动化的40%,接近ERP的10%。这使财务成为落后者,他们的同事在销售,人力资源和市场营销方面引领着财务。一个促成因素可能是,许多“云” EPM解决方案是较旧的技术,这些技术只是使云交付的转移而没有太大进展,而在核心创新方面没有太大进展。无论如何,在我看来,我们正处于一个转折点,CIO,CFO及其董事会(传统上都更加厌恶风险)已经开始拥抱云。正是这些态度转变在上面提到的研究中出现了,毫无疑问,IDC预测到2017年,EPM的17%将在云中。一旦火车的增长,就不会停止它。