

Reesha Dedhia


首席信息官们往往要求同时减少rationalize IT footprints and infrastructure while delivering greater value and insights as strategic business leaders. This is no small feat, especially if they inherited technology stacks from someone who moved on a decade ago. Their predecessors often made the mistake of investing their entire business planning strategy into standard ERP systems, not realizing what their decision meant from a cost, security, flexibility, and scalability standpoint or how it would affect their bargaining power in the future.


The next step for CIOs: unifying corporate data under a single platform

为了利用技术创新的力量,而不损害其任何关键优先事项,精明CIOs need a platformthat brings data from anywhere in the company, analyzes and processes that data at a granular level, and connects the output as actionable plans for the right people at the right time. Such a system needs to be secure, flexible, scalable, forward-thinking, and continuously available.

A system should bring all of the corporate information together into one place—without keeping sharp firewalls up between sales and supply, for instance. Users can create plans across business functions, including finance, sales, human resources, and the supply chain without depending on IT or outside consultants to homogenize the data. Users can collaborate with each other to drive business success. This is called Connected Planning.

The false promise of traditional, disconnected planning systems

Large and standard-issue ERP systems are not able to provide this value. They claim to have an integrated suite, the best-in-class solution, and免费或低成本附加软件,但是在大多数情况下,这些主张比真理更接近神话。他们试图将许多计划应用程序拼接在一起,这些计划通常是通过众多公司合并来获得的,这些公司合并几乎没有共同的技术。每个都有自己的数据和元数据集成方法,自动化语言,计算语言和工作流程,创建了一个复杂而脱节的技术堆栈。仅需要一个管理员团队才能建立和维护这些联系。这些解决方案通常是为了适应公司套件的差距或为竞争带来答案,但是这些解决方案通常无法正如承诺的那样起作用,并且在安全性,灵活性和可扩展性方面可能会造成风险或失望。

Disconnected & Departmental Planning, Backward




使情况变得更糟,ERP经销商将低成本或免费附加软件的神话—once they’ve sold you their service, there are all kinds of hidden costs. It would be easy to be convinced to purchase products and services that put your organization at risk, especially when it comes to cost and scalability.

All is not lost, there’s a solution


使用Anaplansystem, planning becomes more collaborative and adaptable. Less time is spent untangling the mess of data, and more time is spent creating a future based on solid facts. This single Connected Planning platform can replace countless spreadsheets and point solutions, and encourages cross-functional aggregation of data, simplification of process, and even governance control.



CIO’s guide to becoming a strategic business executive

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