
鲁珀特·巴德(Rupert Bader)


Deloitte MCS的董事Michael Purdy和我主持了一个虚拟圆桌会议,该虚拟圆桌会议与人力资源的负责人和董事讨论如何采用更敏捷,协作和系统的方法来规划劳动力需求,使企业能够解决宏伟的经济,社会,技术,技术亚搏娱乐电子,技术,技术,技术,以及其他破坏性事件。

Following the查塔姆之家统治, which permits the use of information shared but not the identities of the participants, I will only refer to individuals in generalities.

Our conversation was wide-ranging, but for this summary I will focus on the following:

  • 人力资源领导者对更具战略角色的需求
  • Addressing challenges in preparing a comprehensive workforce plan
  • 员工计划工具如何应对这些挑战
  • What it takes to put workforce planning into practice

The strategic HR leader





with the finance group were critically important.”


A vice president of human resources at a global spirits company spoke about needing all its people to be aligned and thinking in the longer term, but that it can be challenging to get busy leaders to think beyond the immediate challenges and about the workforce capabilities they need for the next five to 10 years. In addition, their organization’s challenges included the way they prepare the plan:

at capturing the current state, but not necessarily at projecting forward.”



HR leaders need tools that enable them to address both the short-term resourcing needs of the organization while also addressing its strategic business goals across multiple time horizons. As Purdy put it:

of producing a plan for the organization in a decade’s time.”



“We need to be able to model the ‘to-be’ organization in a way that is easy, quick, safe, and encourages staff to want to use the tool.”



工具的“共性”方面是至关重要的。From the data it uses to the decisions guided by the insights (and the process), it all needs to be accessible and usable by all stakeholders, especially as they juggle short-term demands with formulating their own strategy. For example, I work with many clients who have successfully integrated the Anaplan financial planning solution with both supply chain and workforce planning.


It can often be daunting knowing where to start, especially when short-term operational needs are pressing. I cited above some of the challenges needing to be met: building a data foundation upon which to construct the plan, having an agile mechanism for analyzing different scenarios, taking decisions across multiple time horizons, collaborating with other business functions and stakeholders, and so on. Nonetheless, these challenges can be overcome.

First, have a very clear understanding of what you need from your workforce planning tool. I suggest engaging with stakeholders and partners early, and aligning your vision completely to the business strategy. By doing so, you can decide what capabilities your workforce planning tool will need and how it needs to scale, then prioritize your requirements.

Second, I recommend starting small. My experience has been that you also need to think beyond the technology, build the supporting team, fit it into your overall planning process, and, most importantly, consider how the business will use the plans in practice.


最后,我想结束前面提到的Spirits Company副总裁的报价:

what the fundamental questions are, and then
having the capability and confidence to provide the answers.”

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