

Mark Magelssen

Sr. Manager, Finance Practice



Organizations embracing internal and external data, analyzing indicators, and evaluating scenarios to arrive at informed decisions will be prepared to take this competitive advantage into the future. It is only through adopting new technology, collaborating around value delivery, and transforming corporate culture that performance can be obtained with predictability.



经常组织面临停滞老鼠的时期her than revitalizing the way work is done. This is unsurprising as new methods, technology, and landscapes are constantly developing in the marketplace and finance leaders have finite resources to accomplish positive return for the business. Adoption should be less about the spend to improve outcomes and more about creating a mindset to constantly evaluate where inefficiencies and value respectively live. Improving outcomes is about constantly reassessing what will drive true positive change in the business and create faster, more informed decisions. Leaders who fully adopt a mindset of improvement and change begin to build a foundation for transformation, and in the process:

  • 解决直接的疼痛点和挑战。现代计划技术提供了敏捷的实施方法和模块化方法,以快速产生价值和结果,从而使组织能够满足紧迫的需求或压力领域。
  • Weigh risks and rewards.借助建模“假设”场景所需的技术,组织将变得更加敏捷和弹性。领导者可以快速创建和分析各种可能性和可能结果的影响,以确保在每种情况下都考虑利弊的全部情况。这种颗粒状和远见卓识是无法手动实现的。
  • 快速获胜。借助Anaplan之类的软件,很容易确定可以快速利用的机会领域,也可以为短期需求制定计划,例如资源优化或费用管理。这种洞察力的速度可以带来有意义的财务影响而不会带来重大负担。
  • Improve performance.借助实时功能,财务领导者可以根据目标的性能轻松监视KPI并根据需要调整周期内预测。此外,这些波动可以轻松地报告给高级管理层进行评估。
  • 保持动力。Combining all these elements, business leaders can improve their performance and stay consistent with proactive and continuous planning, increasing resilience and foresight.

阅读食物巨人德尔·蒙特(Del Monte)采用Anaplan的故事面对不可预见的事件,要变得更具韧性,并最终找到了这样做的方法,同时保持利润和简化其供应链。通过采用合适的平台,德尔·蒙特(Del Monte)为自己的不确定性做好了准备,并为更加有影响力的转型做准备,以查看其战略路线图。


建立组织转型不仅是要拥有正确的心态,还涉及现代化流程和吸引利益相关者在整个企业中创建一个增值环境。By aligning processes across the value chain, finance leaders can collaborate with their cross-functional counterparts to meet the goals of strategic imperatives. This can only be accomplished via grounded evaluation of system fail points, and assessing where capital spend improvements can return measurable and long-run ROI. For example, building data collaboration channels across functional disciplines ensures that critical business processes are connected, optimizing decisions supporting the organizational goals and targets.

Modernization creates open collaboration between stakeholders throughout the business, improves visibility and accountability, and fosters an environment with shared ownership of performance and outcomes. Anaplan has facilitated this collaboration in measurable ways for a host of customers. Please follow the links below for more in-depth functional explorations:

  • Finance to销售量。Revenue targets and sales forecasting alignment is critical to achieving growth objectives.
  • 人力资源财务。该连接确保了足够的资源来解决人才战略和劳动力计划以实现组织目标。亚搏娱乐电子
  • Finance to supply chain to sales.Finance, supply chain, and sales can shape demand, allowing supply chain leaders to evaluate and create risk mitigation for bottlenecks and other supply chain disruptions appropriately.

As we have learned from our customers, revenue growth, margin improvement, cost containment, and risk mitigation targets can only be met when there is visibility across the organization. One tangible topline example of this is ensuring that the sales forecast is aligned to meet revenue growth targets. The sales forecast should be aligned to supply chain to ensure that demand can be met in the timeline required, and which should be coordinated with human resources to secure human capital needs and skills at the right time and in the right place.

We’ve analyzed the importance of modernizing processes to connect finance to other stakeholders in preparation for theBu的未来2030年. Using this blog series, If the COVID years have taught us anything, it’s that nimble responses and visibility into “what-if” and actual changes are the keys to thriving during unexpected circumstances..




  • 共享的可见性。所有过程都是透明的,以更好地理解跨部门。诸如金融或供应链等部门之间没有信息孤岛,从而使更容易,更敏捷的信息交换。
  • 共同的决策。所有利益相关者都了解每个决定对其职能和整个组织的影响。决策不是在真空中做出的,而是通过更大的战略方向告知的
  • Shared accountability.Every stakeholder is a part of informed decision-making. Outcomes are not dependent on siloed choices. Every function can be held accountable for KPIs via visibility and collaboration.
  • Shared success.With this transformation, each stakeholder is poised for greater success, which is visible to their entire organization. Wins are universal, and a shared sense of accomplishment becomes the new norm.

An example of a customer changing how they do business is telecommunications leader Vodafone, in a story about how theytransformed their corporate culturefor better visibility and alignment using the Anaplan platform. With this shift to collaborative planning and decision-making, they increased financial planning speed by 50%, and 90% of their sales target-setting is now automated.


No major change is as easy to do as flipping a switch. Regardless of where the organization is in their maturity , Anaplan is the solution needed to progress toward unified and strategic decision-making in times of rapid change. Our platform will meet you where you are to deliver the benefits of each maturity stage, assisting in an agile fashion, addressing immediate pains, and evolving to true connectivity that aligns processes to strategic objectives.

为了支持这一转型旅程并为财务领导者提供计划的工具,我们已经启动了转换ational Finance Leader page有资源,指亚搏娱乐电子南,推荐等。

Visit the Transformational Finance Leader page.
