
5 tips for better revenue forecasting

理查德·巴雷特(Richard Barrett)


如果您是一家大型公开交易公司的销售副总裁,CFO或首席执行官,那么缺少您的销售预测是犯错的最灾难性的事情之一。金融市场的分析师预计年终业绩将与他们在公司演讲中获得的指导广泛一致。因此,错过的销售预测可能直接导致您的股价下降,而在此监测的英国公司的股价中位数下降了14.5%E&Y跟踪研究。The situation is little different in North America, with historic data suggesting the股价下跌可能会更高,为16.59%。您的股东和董事会成员也将感到不安。毫无疑问:在一家上市公司将收入预测错误可能是您职业生涯中最广泛报道的活动,您的名字在那里供所有人查看CNBC网页致力于收益和利润警告

我真的怀疑分析师或股东更加感激ate just how difficult it is for companies to have a clear view of revenue prospects in these rapidly changing times. When growth at home dips down, companies increasingly look to grow sales in new markets where they are less familiar with both macroeconomic conditions and local customer needs. All this makes it difficult to precisely predict revenue. And it becomes doubly difficult when新产品或新兴市场参与其中,因为您没有历史数据可以证明期望。


Successful companies have proven that revenue forecast accuracy can be increased by implementing滚动重新归档so that new information is constantly incorporated as the fiscal year progresses. Forecasting, let alone rolling forecasting, can be daunting for companies that can barely get a single annual budget done. Here are five fundamental practices that can significantly enhance your revenue forecast quality.

1. Forecast at the right level of detail

Many revenue forecasts are generated by applying the expected market growth rate to current year sales, then substantiated by detailed planning that takes into account factors such as the number of product units sold, average selling prices, and seasonality. However, some elements of any revenue forecast are always more important than others, so it follows that some need to be forecast in considerable detail while others can simply be aggregated. For instance, you might reforecast every pack size of fast-moving Category A products by modeling current sales orders. But you might instead simply project a forecast for slow-moving Category C product groups and generate a SKU-level forecast for production, based on the mix of recent orders. In many markets, where the growth trends of individual products vary between different geographies, market segments, and channels, revenue forecasts also need to be done at more granular levels and across multiple dimensions in order to achieve any degree of accuracy. Watch to make sure you are forecasting at the right level of detail for the right area.









采用这些准则意味着引入更频繁的预测和构建基于驾驶员的模型,这些模型可以快速更新以说明销售管道和市场条件下波动的变化。不可避免地,您将使用自己选择的计划和预算解决方案more frequently and may find it is unable to support the type of dynamic forecasting process you are seeking to implement. If that is the case, then you should read our recent blog post,“在解决方案中寻找什么以支持滚动重新构成”—the second piece in the series on rolling reforecasting. Supported by the appropriate technology, better FP&A processes will make the difference between revenue forecasts that give everyone the best chance of hitting their targets and those that are simply wishful thinking masquerading as sound planning.