
Welcome to Modelers Forum India! Get Started Here

Hello and welcome to Modelers Forum India User Group!

We are glad that you are here. We have started this group and hope to build a strong virtual community across India.

Meanwhile, please take a moment here to introduce yourself to the rest of the group. Since introductions can sometimes feel a little awkward, here are a few questions to help you get started:

  • What are you currently working on within Anaplan, and how can this group assist you?
  • What types of (virtual) events or discussions would you like to see from this group?
  • What are your favorite non-work activities? (I love riding bikes, cooking, reading books)

I look forward to "meeting" you all soon!


Occasional Contributor

Hi Misbah,

Thank you for this great initiative.

Here are my responses

  • What are you currently working on within Anaplan, and how can this group assist you?

Currently working on multiple use cases in Anaplan. I would like to connect with experts and learn how I can efficiently design solutions with available resources.

  • What are your favorite non-work activities? (I love riding bikes, cooking, reading books)

I like to read. I love my gym.


Welcome@arti.kalekar1We will make sure that this group provides all the necessary help that is needed. Stay Tuned!

Occasional Contributor

Hi Everyone,

Thanks Misbah and Thanks to everyone who helped in starting this initiative as this was much needed.

Here are my responses

  • What are you currently working on within Anaplan, and how can this group assist you?

Currently I am working in Financial Planning and Analysis use case formultinational telecommunications holding company这在sharin集团可以帮助我g their ideas for the queries which I need on complex requirements.

  • What types of (virtual) events or discussions would you like to see from this group?

I would like to see virtual events or discussions on idea exchange, the new updates that Anaplan has released and their road map.

  • What are your favorite non-work activities? (I love riding bikes, cooking, reading books)

My favorite non-work activities are riding bikes and reading news paper.


Welcome@FAHAD_TAILORLet's try to solve all the complex requirements and share it here with other group members. Point taken about all the activities that you would like to see from this group. Appreciate it and stay tuned!


Hi Modelers Forum India and thank you@Misbahfor starting this group!

  • 我的激情是帮助零售商更多地了解naplan and what it has to offer. I've spend nearly 30 years working in the retail industry and I've never known a better planning platform. Currently, I'm helping several retailers, one in particular is implementing a markdown planning application.
  • For me, anything@Misbahthinks is a good topic is fine by me. I always learn something new from him. But here are a few topics I really enjoy: New UX examples, anything related to supply chain, and, well, just chatting with each other is a lot of fun too.
  • On the off hours, I spend time with my wife, 2 daughters, our dog, Charlie "Lily" Paws, and when I get the chance I like to sit down with my classical guitar and get lost in another world.

From the office of Jared Dolich. Looking forward to meeting you all.


Jared Dolich

Welcome@JaredDolichHonoured to have you onboard. This group will benefit a lot from the the experience that you bring along. Let's learn & grow together.

Occasional Contributor

Hello All,

Thank you,@Misbahfor starting this Forum.

  • I'm a CPA with experience in ERP implementations and have worked in Accounting and Finance industry for over 14+ years. I recently got certified as Model Builder by Anaplan and am looking forward to take my career to the next level by enhancing my skills in this platform and helping companies solve their planning needs. I've always been one who would embrace technology and innovation. I believe that transformation is key to run business in today's world. Things have changed drastically and for good and better.
  • I would expect this forum to be a medium for discussions related to industry best practices, model performance optimization techniques and other updates that might be helpful for all those working in this platform. So far, I've seen this ecosystem to be so encouraging and supportive of each other. Cant be more appreciative of this kind gesture. Looking forward to long lasting relationships in this ecosystem.
  • Apart from work, I love nature and go to trails, spiritual empowerment, spend time with my kids, enjoy vacation trips.
Suneela Molagavalli, CPA


Amazing, great to see Chartered Professional Accountants in here. We will surely take that into consideration when we do our first event. Stay Tuned


Hi Misbah,

Thanks everyone for this initiative of starting this group.

My responses are below:

  • What are you currently working on within Anaplan, and how can this group assist you?

I am currently working in Sales Planning domain and this group can assist me to learn new functionalities of Anaplan.

  • What types of (virtual) events or discussions would you like to see from this group?

I would like to see more use cases with with anaplan connectors like Tableau and also domain specific use cases

  • What are your favorite non-work activities?My favorite activities are travelling and communicating with people.