7 min read

The fundamentals of demand planning


The platform for orchestrating performance.



需求计划供应链管理过程的预报了吗ing demand so that products can be reliably delivered and customers are always satisfied. Effective demand planning can improve the accuracy of revenue forecasts, align inventory levels with peaks and troughs in demand, and enhance profitability for a particular channel or product.

Demand planners keep an eye on internal and external factors that could impact demand, such as labor force issues, natural disasters, weather patterns, and news events or other influences. Gathering information from all possible sources is the best way to generate an accurate forecast and ensure integration with the supply forecast to efficiently meet customer demand.



在一个理想的world, demand planners must stay ahead of the market instead of merely reacting to it, and make decisions based on near real-time market data, rather than solely on historical data. That’s not always possible, but with the advent of cloud-based planning platforms, it’s closer to reality than ever before.

Elements of the demand planning processes

Let’s take a look at a few of the processes involved in demand planning.

Trade promotion management

Trade promotions是营销策略(通常在零售公司中),专注于通过折扣,赠品,店内促销和其他类似技术来产生店内需求。贸易促进管理旨在通过高度协调的促销活动来帮助品牌脱颖而出,并与零售商建立更牢固的联系。


Top-down and bottom-up trade promotion management and analysis includes profit and loss data, creating insights around promotion spending. It also tracks and identifies which promotions don’t optimize margins due to ineffective trade promotion spending and poor brand growth from trade promotions, and creates maximum ROI using a broad range of data.


产品组合管理is the process of managing every facet of the product lifecycle, from new product introduction to end-of-life planning. The goal of product portfolio management is to maintain a high-level view of the entire portfolio and reveal where product lines are interconnected and interdependent.



当此过程是协作的时,实时的颗粒预测模型可以确定各个地理位置各个市场的不同市场细分如何以什么价格购买该新产品。在协作系统中,新产品介绍将销售和供应链链接起来,从而导致关键连接到sales and operations planning (S&OP)processes, production planning, and allocation planning.

Statistical forecasting

Statistical forecasting需求计划利用历史数据来使用各种高级统计算法生成供应链预测。在需求计划中,必须进行数据支持的预测,以避免库存或投入量,并确保客户满意。



Seasonality has a major impact on demand planning. Retailers have many factors to sort through to ensure that they’re prepared for various seasonal events. Will they be ready for the holiday shopping rush? What if weather patterns shift and all those winter coats they’ve stocked aren’t purchased? With statistical forecasting in demand planning, these questions are easy to answer because multiple statistical simulations can be run, including models to forecast the impact of intermittent demand, multi-linear regression forecast quantity, price, attach rates, and discounts.

The skills that demand planners will need in the future

需求计划is undergoing large-scale radical change with an emphasis on digital transformation. Artificial intelligence and machine learning are already beginning to make an impact on how demand planners operate.

Algorithmic “touchless” supply chains that weave in the power of big data, blockchain, robotics, and 3D printing may soon be the rule rather than the exception. Demand planning of the future will be always on, dynamic, and non-linear. The power to react quickly and make value-based decisions is essential to staying ahead of the market.

To lead the way into a transformative future, demand planners need to combine technical and business knowledge with collaboration and communication skills. The ability to influence department leaders that partner with demand planning is key, as well as the skills to interact intelligently with leaders across the organization because supply chain initiatives often reach across business units. Strong business acumen is a must-have—you’ll be more effective working with your counterparts in finance, sales, and marketing if you can speak their language.

The effective demand planning leader of tomorrow is tech-savvy and comfortable working alongside the world of machines. Some have said that artificial intelligence (AI) won’t replace managers, but managers who work with AI will replace managers who don’t. This highlights the transformation taking place in supply chain management: Humanity is essential but so is technology. It’s not a paradox—it’s the new normal. The new demand planning leader is digitally dexterous and also skilled with people.

The already many-faceted role of a demand planning leader is changing. To thrive in this new world, demand planning professionals must grow their capacities in collaboration, communication, and leadership, and pair those skills with in-depth technical knowledge if they want to become and stay a powerful force for the future of demand planning.

Digital demand management: The next generation of demand planning

需求计划的未来是供应链脑的调用“数字需求管理”(DDM). It’s centered around implementing demand-driven structures, frameworks, and digital enterprise architectures. Multiple groups connect to facilitate a seamless exchange of information, ideas, and solutions that are synchronized with the omnichannel buying habits of consumers.


The development of DDM starts by challenging traditional linear thinking across supply chains. The old linear thinking accepted the inevitability of forecast cycles that are weeks or months old, poor visibility into SKU locations, and the inability to address ongoing variability that disturbs traditional network and inventory optimization systems. Linear decision-making adds unnecessary time and causes potentially false demand signal amplification.


DDM requires a new planning model that enables causal and external factor analysis, along with a process-control approach to smart digital network management. The beauty of DDM is that it works within a range of pre-defined acceptable variability. Using real-time DDM forecasts—based on standard deviations along with the range of consumer behaviors that are likely to occur—participants can agree to ranges of performance, commitment horizons (periods of risk), and exception conditions. The result is a beneficial digital collaboration that enables next-generation demand planning.


Supply Chain Brain white paper (in partnership with Anaplan):“Digital demand management: The new normal.”

See why Anaplan was named a Leader in the G2 Grid Report for Supply Chain Planning
